Debunking Humor...

SPAM that appeared on my website. This is new...normally they are just selling unlocked iPhones or vacation property in Pakistan...
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I guess you don't have to be an Elite anymore, just gullible.
At the risk of displaying my "nerd level"...(elevating it even higher than previously)...please note the 'name'....Eloi Cole. (The 'strangely dressed young man').

(Hint: The "Eloi" are a fictional 'future' race created by H.G. his novel, "The Time Machine" 1895).

Editing to add a poke-in-the-eye, just for humor's sake.....maybe "Eloi"s parents (in the future) had a wicked sense of humor themselves? Hmmm...?
Isn't Cole also the name of Bruce Willis' character in 12 monkeys?
I know I have posted a few of the many jokes about Schrodinger on this thread, but I did come across this one with Heisenberg which I thought some of you may enjoy.

This is just a joke....not "on-topic", but in honor of recently deceased Tom Magliozzi. of "Car Talk" fame.

(He and his brother have left me laughing in tears, for MANY years!!)

OK.....this joke:

I took my '69 Barracuda into the auto repair shop, and the mechanic said, "You've blown a seal".

I then said, "Just fix the darn thing, and keep my personal life out of it, pal!!"

(Sorry @ Mick.....the opportunity was just too precious to pass...).

TO ADD? These two brothers DEBUNKED many "MYTHS" during the time they produced their show, on is maybe a tangential connection??
Yeah I like that old car joke also WeedWkacker and I will check out Tom Marliozzi and his brother some more. Thanks for the tip. Later :)
This is just a joke....not "on-topic", but in honor of recently deceased Tom Magliozzi. of "Car Talk" fame.

(He and his brother have left me laughing in tears, for MANY years!!)

OK.....this joke:

I took my '69 Barracuda into the auto repair shop, and the mechanic said, "You've blown a seal".

I then said, "Just fix the darn thing, and keep my personal life out of it, pal!!"

(Sorry @ Mick.....the opportunity was just too precious to pass...).

TO ADD? These two brothers DEBUNKED many "MYTHS" during the time they produced their show, on is maybe a tangential connection??

Here is the full video....FULL of humorous puns. (Not sure if it fits here...."debunking" some things, using humour I think it applies):

"Wet Dream"
The latest video in CoolHardLogic's "World of batsh**" series is on "Chemtrail" theory. I won't link it directly out of respect for the site's policies as it ridicules "chemtrailers" as well as the theories themselves. it can be found on their Youtube channel in the link above.

Ray Von
Someone posted this in a group on Facebook. Hats off!


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