Debunking Humor...

lol, this reminds me of a Newsnight interview a few years ago (Newsnight is a heavy weight BBC discussion program)

There was a discussion about terrorist bombs on planes - it may have been in response to the "shoe bomber"

The interviewer asked a security expert

"how can the general public ensure there is not a terrorist bomb on the plane they are traveling on and that it is safe to fly"

you got the sense that the interviewer immediately realised what a stupid question it was - and it was confirmed by the withering response from the security expert who simply said

"the best way to ensure that there is not a terrorist bomb on board a plane is too smuggle your own bomb on the plane - the statistical chances of two bombs on board a plane is infinitesimally small"
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the real reason why witches like black cats:


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"Before watching this I advise you have a spoon with you because we are about to scoop some shit"

This channel has a bunch of similar videos pointing out banal connections in a hilarious way to lampoon CTs.
Local Man Reckons He Could Fight Off Ten, Maybe Twelve Terrorists

THE terrorist attacks in Paris at the weekend have served to reassure one Dublin man that when it comes to fighting off Jihadists in a kill or be killed situation, he could easily take up to twelve of them out of it.

Mark Brennan, 34, is confident that he could draw on nearly three decades of action movie experience to neutralise any situation in which he or his loved ones were threatened in an active shooter environment.

Having surveyed the carnage in Paris on Sky News, Brennan formulated a scenario in his head, in which he was in attendance at a location overrun by terrorists.

In this instance, the overweight and quite unfit Brennan easily disarmed the attacking mob using his who has an imaginary black belt in imaginary fighting, winning the praise and adoration of everyone in attendance.

“I’d use the same techniques that I would have used if I was onboard one of the planes that crashed into the twin towers,” said Brennan, staring out the window of the office he works in.

“The terrorist lads would be all ALLAH AKBAR, then I’d jump out and pah pah pah, WHACK! Problem solved. Maybe I’d get shot once, like in the shoulder. Just a flesh wound, nothing that would slow me down in any way”.

Brennan is also certain that he would be able to disarm any explosive device worn by extremists, providing it consisted of a large digital display and a choice between a red wire and a blue wire.
Content from External Source
The Pompous-Ass Words Web Site

A Pompous Ass Word (PAW)....
is an uncommonly understood word that is synonymous with a commonly understood one.
For example, tendentious is a PAW because it could be substituted with biased with no loss of meaning.
On the other hand, ersatz isn't because it isn't synonymous with imitation - it implies a lesser quality as well.
And while annoying words (proactive), logically incorrect words (irregardless) and trendy words (blog) are all worthy of censure, they aren't PAWs and so aren't eligible for the list.
Content from External Source

Anybody ever play "dictionary", or "fictionary" ?
We had balls of fun in college.....a dictionary, pads, pencils, brains, and drinks.
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The Pompous-Ass Words Web Site

A Pompous Ass Word (PAW)....
is an uncommonly understood word that is synonymous with a commonly understood one.
For example, tendentious is a PAW because it could be substituted with biased with no loss of meaning.
On the other hand, ersatz isn't because it isn't synonymous with imitation - it implies a lesser quality as well.
And while annoying words (proactive), logically incorrect words (irregardless) and trendy words (blog) are all worthy of censure, they aren't PAWs and so aren't eligible for the list.
Content from External Source

Anybody ever play "dictionary", or "fictionary" ?
We had balls of fun in college.....a dictionary, pads, pencils, and drinks.
i dont know, ive been known to use 4 of those myself and plan on adding "nugatory" :) to my vocabulary list. of course my attention span kicked out after nugatory.
The Pompous-Ass Words Web Site

A Pompous Ass Word (PAW)....
is an uncommonly understood word that is synonymous with a commonly understood one.
For example, tendentious is a PAW because it could be substituted with biased with no loss of meaning.
On the other hand, ersatz isn't because it isn't synonymous with imitation - it implies a lesser quality as well.
And while annoying words (proactive), logically incorrect words (irregardless) and trendy words (blog) are all worthy of censure, they aren't PAWs and so aren't eligible for the list.
Content from External Source

Anybody ever play "dictionary", or "fictionary" ?
We had balls of fun in college.....a dictionary, pads, pencils, and drinks.

I love H.P. Lovecraft, but I learned something like 60% of those words from his writing. What does that say?
I don't understand the use of "transportation"

It offers nothing over the shorter and sweeter "transport"

Momentary loss of attention, callers.....

"Of the most popular shades of interior paint colors (usa), how many: are shades of white ?"

The clues go north, while the guesses goes south......

(...I wonder if the calls are taken during a live broadcast ? (it seems callers are pre-screened to an extent)....or the delay might confuse callers' answers, if they have not yet heard the previous answer.)
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