Debunking Humor...

That earns an eye roll...
Thank you for making me aware of this.

The link in question is , and the information in it it obviously correct:

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. [..]

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season.
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Based on this announcement, various types of misinformation have begun to spread, e.g. that the PCR test has a high false positive rate (it doesn't) or that it can't distinguish between Influenza and Covid (it is only positive for Covid, not for Influenza).

A full debunk with authoritative statements is at , here's an excerpt:

A revocation in itself is just a technical means to giving the product a different status... the CDC is endorsing a different type of test, but not saying anything about PCR tests" in general, Rutschman said. [..]

"Nothing in the CDC's statement indicates that its test conflates Covid-19 with influenza, or that PCR tests in general do so. Arguments to the contrary misstate the CDC's language," she said.
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I'm sure a click on "See why" in the screenshot would have led to a similar page.

Now Facebook obviously uses automation to scan for misinformation, and one efficient way to do that is to scan for a links: people can write different words, but they'll usually link to the same sources. So, to curb the type of misinformation that I described above, obviously somebody added the CDC link to Facebook's misinformation scanner, which may have resulted in some automated false positives (easily cleared up via the "see why" link).

Kinda funny if you think the CDC is lying to the public, but to me it's more of a shoulder shrug than an eye roll.
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but not the moon one, its gone over my head
Established cosmology says that the moon is basically a big round rock orbiting the Earth that the sun shines on. (If you have doubts, find a daytime moon -- will give you moonrise and moonset -- go outside, and hold up a round object next to it, and compare light and shadow.)

Some people who don't hold with established cosmology claim that this is a deception, and that the light that reaches us from the moon is not reflected sunlight, but instead claim that the moon is its own light source, akin to the sun.
Genesis 1:16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.

Of course nobody would try to claim that established cosmology can't be true because rocks don't reflect light, and illustrate it with a picture of a rock reflecting light, except as a joke -- or would they?
You decide:
OK thanks Mendel, thats sort of what I understood (I thought there perhaps might of been a deeper meaning which I wasn't getting)
except I took the picture to mean, OK the rock/moon is illuminated in this picture (and since rocks cant reflect light according to them) then the answer is it must be giving off light somehow

Of course everything we see reflects light photons or else we couldn't see it.
Speaking of the genesis quote, I met someone in the last year when I pointed out the moon to them during the day, it blew their mind 'I didn't think you could see the moon during the day, is this normal etc'
I'm like (to myself), you've been on this planet for over 40 years and you have never noticed o_O
Of course everything we see reflects light photons or else we couldn't see it.
That's slightly overstated: we can see something that emits light, but does not reflect it.

Rocks do have shadows, though.

(If you want to discuss this further, we should make a separate thread.)
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(If you have doubts, find a daytime moon -- will give you moonrise and moonset -- go outside, and hold up a round object next to it, and compare light and shadow.)
Well whattaya know?


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Talking about sheeple, this has been a source of deep amusement for me:
Sheep have a strong instinct to follow the sheep in front of them. When one sheep decides to go somewhere, the rest of the flock usually follows, even if it is not a good "decision." For example, sheep will follow each other to slaughter. If one sheep jumps over a cliff, the others are likely to follow.

It's like, if a flock of sheep had to choose a slogan, it'd be that.
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I just remembered a children's joke: Why is an elephant big, grey, and wrinkly? Because if it were small, white, and smooth it would be an aspirin.
And why is an F-18 "Rhino" big, grey, and angular? Because if it were small, white, and round it would be a Tic Tac.

This is how it begins...
Say NO to Smoke Detectors!
People are waking up to the danger of smoke detectors!

Here are some FACTS you NEED TO KNOW!

Too many facts to quote here, and if I quote the best, I'll spoil it for you, and if I quote the worst, you'll not feel tempted to waste your precious 3 minutes reading them all, so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...
So this just came in the mail. Local dentist seems to think the nothing says dental health like Dad Jokes.
I don't know, now I feel sort of gangstalked and way too much synchronicity-ized...

This is how it begins...
Say NO to Smoke Detectors!
People are waking up to the danger of smoke detectors!

Here are some FACTS you NEED TO KNOW!

Too many facts to quote here, and if I quote the best, I'll spoil it for you, and if I quote the worst, you'll not feel tempted to waste your precious 3 minutes reading them all, so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...

This is the best thing that I have clicked on in a long time.... And I'm not even talking about the link inside about not stabbing yourself.... That is good knowledge too!
Argumentum ad anagramum, I guess you'd call it, can be amazing.

And I admire the restraint shown by Squiggled Out In Blue Poster, in deciding to use the funnier EROTIC ALMOND instead of the more pointed MORON CITADEL.

For Metabunk, CONTRAIL MODE might be the best alternative, but I am also fond of DECAL MONITOR, with it's hint of an allusion to the "Mark of the Beast" which is often associated with the vaccines by conspiracy spreaders, as well as DEMOCRAT LOIN which sounds like it should be deeply meaningful even though it isn't. Honorable mentions to DOOM CLARINET, LARD EMOTICON and A LITER CONDOM.
I admire the restraint shown by Squiggled Out In Blue Poster, in deciding to use the funnier EROTIC ALMOND instead of the more pointed MORON CITADEL.

For Metabunk, CONTRAIL MODE might be the best alternative, but I am also fond of DECAL MONITOR, with it's hint of an allusion to the "Mark of the Beast" which is often associated with the vaccines by conspiracy spreaders, as well as DEMOCRAT LOIN which sounds like it should be deeply meaningful even though it isn't. Honorable mentions to DOOM CLARINET, LARD EMOTICON and A LITER CONDOM.

I was gonna give this a WINNER but then came across the rogue apostrophe and had to downgrade to a LIKE. :(
I admit to an inordinate, fondness for commas, and to overusing, them. But usually I am, not the one to place an apostrophe where its not needed... mea culp'a.
At 46 and after many millions of words I'm just now realising I need to trim down my comma use substantially.

Am I to take it the missing apostrophe in that last comment was purposeful? ;)
At 46, and after many millions of words, I'm just now realising: I need to trim down my comma use, substantially.
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I'm not 100% certain that the last comma I put in there is grammatical, but it feels like it is?