Debunking Humor...



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A mere thumbs up is not enough positive feedback for that *very* welcome moment of levity, @RTM.
I am often frustrated by the limited range of quick response emoticons on forums such as this.

How do I respond to a 10 point post when I fully support 9 of the correct and rigorously argued points which align with my own opinions WHILST one point I strongly disagree with and must be wrong because it expresses an opinion which differs from mine?

The need is for some 90% signal. A "tick" that is 90% green but 10% red still confuses. And the "like" thumb-up implies "like" everything in the post - implying that I agree with the bit that must be wrong because it differs from my opinion.

THEN - if we had a range of precisely defined and calibrate emoticons to express all the shades and nuances of meaning we could totally abandon written commentary. Saving a lot of bandwidth???
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A "tick" that is 90% green but 10% red still confuses. And the "like" thumb-up implies "like" everything in the post - implying that I agree with the bit that must be wrong because it differs from my opinion.
The checkmark signifies agreement. I'm using it on posts that I think are true from my own knowledge.
The thumbs up is my way of saying that the post is a good contribution to the discussion. If it's well argued, I don't need to agree with it. Answers to questions I've posed get a thumbs up as a "thank you".
If a good post gives important sources, it's "informative", and if it showcases debunking tools, it's "useful" to me.
Thumbs down is my way of indicating that a post is derailing the discussion or missing the point entirely.
The red X signifies a strong disagreement that I've argued before.
And "winner" is reserved for posts that put the main problem raised in the thread to rest.

I'm kinda happy I don't need this on metabunk (yet?):
This is why nobody from this site ever gets abducted...

Classic XKCD. I missed that one, as I tend to skip it for a month or so and then binge. This morning looks like it's bingetime.

But because:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.

This means that you are free to copy and reuse any of my drawings (noncommercially) as long as you tell people where they're from.

That is, you don't need my permission to post these pictures on your website (and hotlinking with <img> is fine); just include a link back to this page.
Content from External Source
Thanks for that. I did not see it on their site, with which I am not familiar, but as something somebody posted on FB. I'm off now to check it out, and the rest of the site, based on your good words about it.
The need is for some 90% signal. A "tick" that is 90% green but 10% red still confuses. And the "like" thumb-up implies "like" everything in the post - implying that I agree with the bit that must be wrong because it differs from my opinion.
When I hit the "like" button my intention was to also hit all the other buttons to, in effect say emoticonicaly, I "agree", while partly "disagreeing" with your "informative" post that "wowed" me with it's "funny" and "informative" take that was very "informative" and shows it was a "winner".

Alas, it appears that one can only choose only 1 emoticon at a time. So my plan going forward is to periodically come back to this thread and see if I can change the emoticon I have posted until such time as I have gone through all of them.
When I hit the "like" button my intention was to also hit all the other buttons to, in effect say emoticonicaly, I "agree", while partly "disagreeing" with your "informative" post that "wowed" me with it's "funny" and "informative" take that was very "informative" and shows it was a "winner".

Alas, it appears that one can only choose only 1 emoticon at a time. So my plan going forward is to periodically come back to this thread and see if I can change the emoticon I have posted until such time as I have gone through all of them.
Well said.
you think Smollet was performing political satire? that's a take i never heard before.
Chris Sacchim is the author of the tweet. He satirizes Russia's position that Ukraine are the bad guy nazis ready to attack Russians with bioweapons (and vodka!) by comparing it to Jussie Smollet's staged claim of being the victim of a hate crime. Smollet isn't funny, but Sacchim is.
But I understand that if you're "sticking up for Russian generals", you might find the satire not funny.
At 05:52: "Nevertheless the KFO gravitational theory has yet to be disproven by experiments, and remains an attractive solution to general relativity's shortcomings".

Not sure if that pun was intentional, given the contra-gravity explanation ;). Recommend it is watched to the end: brilliant final explanation! Thanks for the find, qed.