Debunking Humor...

What's wrong with "Dear Sir/Madam"?
An email which begins with 'Dear Sir/Madam' but goes on to state 'I have been informed that you are a trustworthy fellow blah blah give me 10K' gets an 'F' for 'effort', in my book.

(Specifically: if you are trying to convince me that you have researched me and found me trustworthy etc, you should probably not open by revealing that you are unaware of my gender.)
An email which begins with 'Dear Sir/Madam' but goes on to state 'I have been informed that you are a trustworthy fellow blah blah give me 10K' gets an 'F' for 'effort', in my book.

(Specifically: if you are trying to convince me that you have researched me and found me trustworthy etc, you should probably not open by revealing that you are unaware of my gender.)
OK, I thought that was maybe what you meant but I wondered if I was missing some subtlety over the meaning of "madam" in a particular area!
Seeing the thread with a helicopter supposedly laying a chemtrail, and seeing the comments of the video the guy talks about how a 2kg bag can spray 1000miles. I have discovered he COULD be onto something here.
You can even buy this stuff over the internet:
But don't worry, it MUST be good for us all cos it IS Organic!!!!!
Seeing the thread with a helicopter supposedly laying a chemtrail, and seeing the comments of the video the guy talks about how a 2kg bag can spray 1000miles. I have discovered he COULD be onto something here.
You can even buy this stuff over the internet:
But don't worry, it MUST be good for us all cos it IS Organic!!!!!

Really? If anyone's going to be turning the pun-o-meter to eleven it should be me.

Also, you'd probably need to grind that stuff to get it to aerosolize properly.
Saw this while I was looking for some nice contrail photos, thought of @WeedWhacker and @TWCobra couldnt help but laugh because I could see one of the two of them doing this over the PA just to get a laugh from their passengers during a really boring flight:

This isnt DEBUNKING humor, more along the lines of Conspiracy Humor. Its not poking fun at conspiracies or theorists, but just taking a coincidence and creating a funny conspiracy out of it. Take a read:

Um, Nintendo? You might want to do a little background check on the new guy you just hired. Something tells us he might be planning something salacious.

The video game company announced on Wednesday that they have appointed a new Vice President of Sales. His name? Doug Bowser.

Nintendo hired Bowser.

So you brought on a guy who has the same name as the main villain from your most famous video game series? The dinosaur/lizard who kidnaps the princess every damn time and spends his days trying to set two plumber brothers on fire? Kidnapper, attempted murderer of your flagship character for over 30 years...that's the guy you went with, huh?

"Nintendo of America has hired a new Vice President to lead the United States sales organization with a name that's well-known in the Mushroom Kingdom. Effective today, Doug Bowser (no relation to the King Koopa and Mario's longtime nemesis) will oversee a variety of sales-related functions, including Sales, In-store Merchandising, Retail Strategy and Retail Marketing."

No relation? Yeah, right. That's what he wants us to believe.
Content from External Source
Nintendos new guy
@Hevach....OK, I give!!! You "win" on the "Star Trek" knowledge, level "10"!! (Oh, btw....WW here...long story).'s something that is bunk....AND humor!!! Hang on, guys (and a few gals?)....

" CBS announced a new Fall TV show staring Dolly Parton, and she will play a Cop! The title is 'This is a Bust!!' "

(May I have a rim-shot, bah-dah-dah-bump, please???).....
(please know that I steal every "joke"....this is only for entertainment....and....uh what??? Oh yeah, no animals were harmed in the creation of this post).
Hi Everyone

I thought this would be a good thread to introduce you guys and girls to a new parody site I work on which essentially parodies Natural News. We are trying to produce fresh content daily, some of it silly, some of it dark most of it humorous if you have a parody/satire gland.

The site is hopefully it will give some of you a giggle.

The other more serious site I think you will like is a google custom search engine that only searches sites that are a good source of information when you quickly want to look something up and debunk a facebook post.

If anyone wan'ts a specific site in the index feel free to drop me a pm.
The Onion - Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia [Transcript Only]

I have the compilation this is in. Too bad the full story with graphic doesn't seem to be online.

Seem like it never was. It was a from pre-web days, according to this page:

From Thu May 9 12:07:39 1996
Date: Wed, 08 May 1996 23:33:49 -0600
From: tech <>
Subject: INFO: Fans of "Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia"

To all fans of "Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia",

In recent months the news story, "Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia",
has been highly circulated around the internet without attribution to
the original authors/creators. This story was originally written for
and published in _the ONION_, a satirical news weekly based in
Madison, WI. The unauthorized distribution of "Clinton Deploys Vowels
to Bosnia" preceded the launch of our new web-site which is located at
_http://www.theonion.com_. This site is now the official home of
"Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia" as well as other award winning news
stories such as "Christ Returns to NBA" and "Point Counter-Point:
If you have downloaded and posted this story on a web-page, as a
courtesy to _the ONION_ (and to avoid a lengthy legal battle in which
you would be crushed) please provide a link to the official ONION
web-site and credit the story as having "originally appeared in the
ONION, Number One In News".

The Editors
the ONION, Number One In News
Content from External Source

(and to avoid a lengthy legal battle in which
you would be crushed
Content from External Source
i wonder if that's a "you'll cry" pun on "crushed". Although Crushed Onion would be a cool band name.
I laugh, because it's better than crying. I love the way it juxtaposes the expectations of the military and those with special needs. Is it insensitive? Probably, but I think the way we cordone off certain subjects from humor means we dont have the honest discussions about them they deserve.

My son is nine and autistic. He has far more understanding than language, which is obvious in the things he laughs at. He loves Spongebob because of the slapstick. He rides a short bus to school and does not own an AR-15 as far as I'm aware. Maybe he keeps it by my nerf guns? I'd love to be able to treat him as a typically developing kid but he's not, and I have to accept that. The sort of parody in the onion makes assumptions, but shows the joy he and so many other special needs kids go through life with, and for that I applaud it.
While I love a good Z Movie, I would have to say that with this, z Movies have now officially "jumped the Shark"
While I love a good Z Movie, I would have to say that with this, z Movies have now officially "jumped the Shark"
Ditto for vampire movies - 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' marked the end of that genre, imo; and in fact it wouldn't surprise me if a thousand years hence the beginning of the end of our civilisation is dated from the release of that movie.
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Twilight was just the final product of a process that Anne Rice started. No number of Blade sequels and Priest reboots and I Am Legend remakes could ever undo that process.
Dr. OZ
While a serious subject (I have an upcoming post elsewhere, soon), Dr Oz and the supplement industry allow for plenty of comedic material....

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related to the above ^^^

Here's the whole Mel Gibson PSA, to help pass the 1994 "DSHEA" congressional bill.
....which essentially tied the hands of those wanting a regulation of dietary supplements.
The video is humorous because it's so exaggerated.

( BTW....Mel's kitchen is on the second floor ???? )
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Gotta love those Valve Guys.


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