I am a Chemtrail Advocate . . . I believe there is an Aerosol Injection Program

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Where are you going to find 3 people who would even consider that plane trails are really part of some secret spraying program?

In my experience when you mention the chemtrail conspiracy to everyday folk they laugh first then instantly dismiss it for the silly notion that it obviously is.

The only people who would entertain the idea to begin with would be existing conspiracy theorists. As we know - a conspiracy theory just needs another conspiracy theorist to say its true and they are happy with that. It`s very scientific you see...

All we need are people who have not heard of it or have no opinion becasue they have not taken the time to think about it . . .
Chemtrail - What Most People See.jpg

Please don't think the one quarter
part on this graph represents one quarter
It just means a smaller portion than the larger portion by far . .
I find it annoying that the time stamp and source of that image is not provided so that his claim can be evaluated. That does not look like a contrail nor he specify how speed was inferred. I would like to be able to view archive satellite data and see if that image is legitimate and if he calculated the speed of the object (if there was actually something) accurrately. But I can do that. Typical bunk technique of not providing sources or verification.

Edit: The image to which I refer is later in the video and is a satellite image that supposedly shows a contrail that extrends from Area 51 to beyond Bermuda, supposedly created by an object estimated from that image to have been travelling at over 8000 miles per hour. It is hard to take such claims at face value without better evidence. Makes me think that better evidence doesn't exist and neither does Aurora.
I find it annoying that the time stamp and source of that image is not provided so that his claim can be evaluated. That does not look like a contrail nor he specify how speed was inferred. I would like to be able to view archive satellite data and see if that image is legitimate and if he calculated the speed of the object (if there was actually something) accurrately. But I can do that. Typical bunk technique of not providing sources or verification.

The doughnuts on a rope image is old, from 1998 or older. See:


7/25/1998 Steven J Forsberg

Most readers here are no doubt aware that one of the primary pieces of

evidence given for the existence of a supersecret superplane (Aurora) is
the picture that was taken of a contrail/exhaust trail that looks like
"doughnuts-on-a-rope". I and others argued that this was just an unusual
contrail/exhaust pattern and that it did not portend the existence of any
postulated "pulse" engine.
Others, however, argued that the pattern pictured was exceedingly rare --
a good point. And they challenged "us" to come up with more solid evidence
that such a pattern could be formed by a 'normal' aircraft. I'll admit
that at the time I didn't have enough knowledge of the science to make a
strong showing on this counterargument. But, now things have changed....... I've just read "Effects of Stratification on 3-D Trailing Vortex
Evolution", a paper by R. Robins and D. Delisi of the NASA Langley Research
Center (May 13, 1997). While the paper addresses more serious issues than
the existence of 'Aurora', it seems pretty plain that they explain the
whole thing.
The pattern observed is the result of something called "Crow instability"
(named after its discoverer). But why is the "doughnuts on a rope" pattern
seen so rarely? It has to do with the stratification of the atmosphere and
something called the Froude number. The Froude number is calculated using
things like the vortex spacing (similar to wingspan), temperature gradient,
etc. To make a long story short, in order to see the effect there must be
a very high Froude number. I'm no expert, but it seems that such a
situation wouldn't happen very often.To quote the abstract:
"Stratification is seen to accelerate the onset of linking due to Crow
instability and to suppress the downward migration of the vortices. It is
also seen that for low stratification, such that F > ~8, Crow instability
results in the formation of downward propagating vortex rings."
In the conclusions they state: "Low (or no) stratification (F > ~8)
results in formation and propagation of vortex rings."
Yeah, so?

Just think the Aurora Aircraft is an interesting analogy to the Chemtrail Conspiracy. . . .bunches of speculation, misconceptions, no admission by the authorities, however, history, opportunity, secrecy, budget, secret and public patents, motivation, all point to the fact that it very well may exist or something just like it. . . Noble do you believe the Aurora exists?????
Just think the Aurora Aircraft is an interesting analogy to the Chemtrail Conspiracy. . . .bunches of speculation, misconceptions, no admission by the authorities, however, history, opportunity, secrecy, budget, secret and public patents, motivation, all point to the fact that it very well may exist or something just like it. . . Noble do you believe the Aurora exists?????

Sure, most people that believe in it, believe in it out of emotion, not out of evidence. And those who are fairly knowledgable about black aircraft programs, or at least as much as one can be without being a part of those programs, do not believe in it.

Lockheed may have tried some high speed projects in the past, but there is no evidence of anything going on at all. Just too expensive, and its more important anyways to loiter over a place unseen, than to dash through quickly
Sure, most people that believe in it, believe in it out of emotion, not out of evidence. And those who are fairly knowledgable about black aircraft programs, or at least as much as one can be without being a part of those programs, do not believe in it.

Lockheed may have tried some high speed projects in the past, but there is no evidence of anything going on at all. Just too expensive, and its more important anyways to loiter over a place unseen, than to dash through quickly

I cannot disagree with you but the same things happened with the SR71. . . And it turned out to exist. . .
Lyndon Johnson announced the existence of the SR71/A-12 programme before the SR71 had its first flight...on National TV!

Lyndon Johnson announced the existence of the SR71/A-12 programme before the SR71 had its first flight...on National TV!

24 December 1957: First J58 engine run.
1 May 1960: Francis Gary Powers is shot down in a Lockheed U-2 over the Soviet Union.
13 June 1962: SR-71 mock-up reviewed by Air Force.
30 July 1962: J58 completes pre-flight testing.
28 December 1962: Lockheed signs contract to build six SR-71 aircraft.
25 July 1964: President Johnson makes public announcement of SR-71.

So I had it confused with the . . F117 . . . It is a different story. . . It was operational for years before public disclosure.

. .
The SR71 is in the museum. Let's see - they reactivated the U-2 which has flown its last mission not long ago. And now there is Global Hawk and "the Beast of Kandahar". Much more cost effective, does not need a life-maintaining system for a human pilot.

If there ever was a project Aurora, it must have been scrapped by the bean counters quite a while ago.
24 December 1957: First J58 engine run.
1 May 1960: Francis Gary Powers is shot down in a Lockheed U-2 over the Soviet Union.
13 June 1962: SR-71 mock-up reviewed by Air Force.
30 July 1962: J58 completes pre-flight testing.
28 December 1962: Lockheed signs contract to build six SR-71 aircraft.
25 July 1964: President Johnson makes public announcement of SR-71.

So I had it confused with the . . F117 . . . It is a different story. . . It was operational for years before public disclosure.

. .

Yes, but it only flew out of two very high security bases, almost only at night time, and only in a fairly limited geographic area.
The SR71 is in the museum. Let's see - they reactivated the U-2 which has flown its last mission not long ago. And now there is Global Hawk and "the Beast of Kandahar". Much more cost effective, does not need a life-maintaining system for a human pilot.

If there ever was a project Aurora, it must have been scrapped by the bean counters quite a while ago.

The U-2 was never retired, and they are still quite active
Yes, but it only flew out of two very high security bases, almost only at night time, and only in a fairly limited geographic area.

Hmmmmm . . . Sounds like a good way to hide a covert aerosol injection program . . . That is what I would do . . . .

"The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk was a single-seat, twin-engine stealth ground-attack aircraft formerly operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). The F-117A's first flight was in 1981, and it achieved initial operating capability status in October 1983.[1] The F-117A was "acknowledged" and revealed to the world in November 1988.[4]"
Hmmmmm . . . Sounds like a good way to hide a covert aerosol injection program . . . That is what I would do . . . .

"The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk was a single-seat, twin-engine stealth ground-attack aircraft formerly operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). The F-117A's first flight was in 1981, and it achieved initial operating capability status in October 1983.[1] The F-117A was "acknowledged" and revealed to the world in November 1988.[4]"

Except that...once again...you are speculating, and playing "What If"

If you did actual research, you would know there is not the facilities at Groom Lake, or Tonopah, to hide some hypothetical fleet of aircraft like this.
The only reason the F-117s were able to stay secret, is that they only flew at night, were mostly on the Nellis ranges, and were always back in their individual hangars in the daytime.

And even with that, people who were knowledgable of aircraft, had heard enough to know that there was some kind of smaller stealthy attack aircraft out there. But with your chemtrail hoax, nobody who is knowledgable about these matters, thinks there is anything like that. "Chemtrails" is just a silly joke to anyone who loves aviation and knows a thing or two about it.
The U-2 was never retired, and they are still quite active
You are correct, of course. Not sure how my memory messed up there. Probably an article about a U-2 pilot going into retirement.

That's what you get from quick firing without proper research. Let that be an example to all ... :rolleyes:
All we need are people who have not heard of it or have no opinion becasue they have not taken the time to think about it . . .

That`s the point.

On each and every occasion I mention the "trails" in the sky and explain that there are many people who believe X,Y,Z, it is instantly dismissed as laughable. Which it is.

Not one of the people I am talking about had ever heard of "chemtrails", yet that is the reaction 100% of the time.

I could find three people no problem.

The result would be the same - especially if they were to read your conclusions then relate them to Micks facts.

The only way I could see you having a sniff of a chance is if you managed to find 3 conspiracy theorists who were yet to hear of yet another 'new' conspiracy theory...
That`s the point.

On each and every occasion I mention the "trails" in the sky and explain that there are many people who believe X,Y,Z, it is instantly dismissed as laughable. Which it is.

Not one of the people I am talking about had ever heard of "chemtrails", yet that is the reaction 100% of the time.

I could find three people no problem.

The result would be the same - especially if they were to read your conclusions then relate them to Micks facts.

The only way I could see you having a sniff of a chance is if you managed to find 3 conspiracy theorists who were yet to hear of yet another 'new' conspiracy theory...

Those people are fine. . . I just don't want people who have been indoctrinated by either side. . . .
Those people are fine. . . I just don't want people who have been indoctrinated by either side. . . .

Doctrine, deals more with beliefs. While I could say that there is a set of faith like beliefs behind the chemtrails conspiracy, what debunks it all, is not doctrine of another side, but facts, science and history.

It is a very bad analogy to compare someone who not just does not believe in it, but actually had a command of facts to debunk it, as being indoctrinated. Its more like educated and knowledgable. And if i inform someone that contrails persist, that there are more jet aircraft flying, and that metal does actually come from the ground, thats not indoctrinating.
Doctrine, deals more with beliefs. While I could say that there is a set of faith like beliefs behind the chemtrails conspiracy, what debunks it all, is not doctrine of another side, but facts, science and history.

It is a very bad analogy to compare someone who not just does not believe in it, but actually had a command of facts to debunk it, as being indoctrinated. Its more like educated and knowledgable. And if i inform someone that contrails persist, that there are more jet aircraft flying, and that metal does actually come from the ground, thats not

Whatever you wish to call it is fine with me . . . I just want people who have not formed or expressed an opinion regarding CHEMTRAILs . . . simple
Then you should win the debate without even breaking a sweat . . .

I do not win a debate. Its facts, knowledge, and information that wins.

What loses in a debate? Speculation, pretending, make-believe, "what if", junk science, and manipulating the facts to fit a conspiracy.

Its pretty obvious which side belongs to the chemtrail conspiracy.
I do not win a debate. Its facts, knowledge, and information that wins.

What loses in a debate? Speculation, pretending, make-believe, "what if", junk science, and manipulating the facts to fit a conspiracy.

Its pretty obvious which side belongs to the chemtrail conspiracy.

Should I give up right now . . . And admit defeat . . . ?
Should I give up right now . . . And admit defeat . . . ?

No, what you should do is quit bitterly clinging to this silly faith belief in chemtrails, that blinds you to critical thinking. Start learning facts, devour information about the atmosphere and aviation. You seem much more interesting in speculating though, than learning.
Yeah...I don't get this argument...one thing has nothing to do with the other...

"The government keeps some secrets therefore my conspiracy theory is valid" seems to be quite common. It isn't uncommon to question a chemtrail vid or weather mod vid, or truther vid on Youtube and have replies come in which I am accused of "loving the government", "shilling for the government", and/or "believing that the government keeps no secrets". It doesn't follow that because I doubt a particular "theory(ies)" that I believe that there are no government secrets but the accusations fly just the same.
Should I give up right now . . . And admit defeat . . . ?

It would certainly save you time.

The thing is you bring a vast amount of evidence to the table, and you think that because the amount of evidence is vast, then that indicates something. You also have some personal intuition that tells you this is correct.

However, if you add together 100 things that are 1% relevant, then it does not add up to something that is 100% relevant. If anything, the multiplicity of weak facts should dilute your case - yet you take each thing as a brick, building your solid tower of evidence to noticeable heights.

But they are not bricks, not suited for building a case. They are, to be polite, handfuls of dust. You think you are building a tower of bricks and steel, but you are building it with dust.
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