Ice experiments: Orgonite vs. No orgonite

nathan bensch can I ask exactley what I should not see in ice forzen with out orgone I amn going to try some this evening and I would like to know what I am looking for[/QUOTE]
Well, i am new to all the stuff without, so what i can do instead is tell you to look up the suchanyo videos on cemenite ice and then see if you can imitate those somewhat consistently. It seems as if he uses small containers. So far, the only photos put here by deirdre or others that look close to the cemenite would is the last one that she is going to try to go for that looked like flowers. Actually, on second look, that one is cemenite. Most of the other ones here look like classic orgone ice, but not cemenite. Cemenite ice does not look too spectacular, but it still looks cool if you don't know weird things happen alone anyway.
tell you to look up the suchanyo videos on cemenite ice and then see if you can imitate those somewhat consistently. It seems as if he uses small containers
he only has two that i see. my impression is he is confused about air bubbles. but i just replicated his "size" by sticking one of my makeup tubs (same shape as his ceminite...its just computer wire and cement) in a container only slightly larger. will let you know in a few hours. :)

he only has two that i see. my impression is he is confused about air bubbles. but i just replicated his "size" by sticking one of my makeup tubs (same shape as his ceminite...its just computer wire and cement) in a container only slightly larger. will let you know in a few hours. :)

Well, i am in contact with him seeing as that's where my cemenite will come from. Like i said, they have specific rules for how it is supposed to look. So i challenge your ice to look like his, so to speak.

Well, i am in contact with him seeing as that's where my cemenite will come from. Like i said, they have specific rules for how it is supposed to look. So i challenge your ice to look like his, so to speak.
is it super important that "orgone" can be shown in ice anyway? if the blobs or pyramids are suppsoed to attract 'orgone' from the much orgone is in our freezers? plus i read processed foods in the freezer kill the orgone, so how much orgone is in our freezers?
I will get to the ice with cemenite later tonight, although i did briefly mention them a little earlier.
from what i see, the only difference between orgonite and cemenite is what they are made of. they both do the same thing, as far as i can tell. ie. its still orgon that the cemenite is supposed to be the reactions in ice should be exactly the same. either we are seeing orgon or we're not. no?
from what i see, the only difference between orgonite and cemenite is what they are made of. they both do the same thing, as far as i can tell. ie. its still orgon that the cemenite is supposed to be the reactions in ice should be exactly the same. either we are seeing orgon or we're not. no?
I will try to say it without it being deleted as its a little off topic, but its supposed to be like regular (male) orgone could be bad energy while cemenite (female orgone) is supposed to be good energy, look on the replies he gives on his page/videos for more info. There are more ice videos, my guess is he didn't tag them so then you have to click on his icon and it will take you to all his videos. Only six or so of them feature cemenite ice. The others either prove cemenite in a different way or other videos are about his family.
I will try to say it without it being deleted as its a little off topic, but its supposed to be like regular (male) orgone could be bad energy while cemenite (female orgone) is supposed to be good energy, look on the replies he gives on his page/videos for more info. There are more ice videos, my guess is he didn't tag them so then you have to click on his icon and it will take you to all his videos. Only six or so of them feature cemenite ice. The others either prove cemenite in a different way or other videos are about his family.
either way his pics of ice look the same as other orgonite pics. they are all air bubbles basically. my experiment did work except i broke the blasted thing when i popped it out of the container so have to start again.

i did though..i was playing with some of my rocks..(i collect rocks) and got something pretty close to your "angel". I'm sure you wont agree. but you had a square lid and container and i had a round one. what do you think?

angel side by side.PNG
Well, i can still
The link in the OP is (mostly) a dead webpage now as far as I can ascertain. Is there a different website with a similar POG? Assuming they are not too cost prohibitive I have an hypothesis and experiment to test.
Well, i can still access it. Only it has to be typed in "suchanyovideo", i think. Old lab rat makes cemenite, but he tests by pendulum, not ice, suchanyo is the only one i know who actually sells it. There are a few other names which may make it, but probably not sell it. And to deidre, on the last note, i did not tell you to make it look like mine. The one i meant was the one that looked like flowers to you. According to cemenite makers, mine are actually bad examples because they crack or turn white in the middle. If this happens while cemenite users are testing theirs, they are advised to throw it away and try again. In a few hours, i may try to copy a few of his videos or an email he gave me a while back. Still at work now.
Well, i can still

Well, i can still access it. Only it has to be typed in "suchanyovideo", i think. Old lab rat makes cemenite, but he tests by pendulum, not ice, suchanyo is the only one i know who actually sells it. There are a few other names which may make it, but probably not sell it. And to deidre, on the last note, i did not tell you to make it look like mine. The one i meant was the one that looked like flowers to you. According to cemenite makers, mine are actually bad examples because they crack or turn white in the middle. If this happens while cemenite users are testing theirs, they are advised to throw it away and try again. In a few hours, i may try to copy a few of his videos or an email he gave me a while back. Still at work now.
Auldy was talking about the Opening Post: stalagmites. (i have moved all our off topic posts to this new thread "experiments".

The third one looks like an angel in the ice. Make those and then get back to me. Also, see if you get porcipine "quills" at the end of two days or not
yes you did.

I'm making ALL of them. all your pics and all your "links".
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No food does not harm orgone, in fact if it has right energy, it could improve or prolong the food. So I'm told. The following links have pictures/videos of cemenite ice. The first one shows how the "quills" are supposed to be blunt, not long points as with regular orgone. The second one shows a video of ice cemenite. You can read the replies to find out the other things cemenite can do.

Or "Ice of female orgone generator". He also has ones of "ice of crystal", or "ice of copper pyramid".
The pictures here show experiments he did with wire/washers and how putting them in different ways produced different effects. All his stuff, none of mine. He still has not sent out cemenite, but i asked him to also send a fake on purpose, to make it easier to do with or without experiments.


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No food does not harm orgone, in fact if it has right energy, it could improve or prolong the food. So I'm told.

I know this is straying slightly more off topic, but how easy is this to test! Nathan, what are some foods that you use orgone to prolong its shelf life?

Can't you go to the shops, grab two packs of ground beef, but them both on your counter, one next to orgone and one in a different room, and find out which one gives you more food poisoning? Or, safer, try a banana, see which one stays riper longer.
The pictures here show experiments he did with wire/washers and how putting them in different ways produced different effects. All his stuff, none of mine
well at least this one shows what used ..and is very interesting. I'll dig up some wire.

but i asked him to also send a fake on purpose
that would be nice, its hard to find household items that are not only the same size but are heavy enough not to float. if we didnt have 8 inches of snow i could find some rocks. :(
I know this is straying slightly more off topic, but how easy is this to test! Nathan, what are some foods that you use orgone to prolong its shelf life?

Can't you go to the shops, grab two packs of ground beef, but them both on your counter, one next to orgone and one in a different room, and find out which one gives you more food poisoning? Or, safer, try a banana, see which one stays riper longer.
As for experimenting with food, i am waiting until i have cementite with that. Earlier I mentioned how the orgone i have can repel gnats away from trash(which includes banana peels). Experience is that i used to have a bad problem with them. Now i can have trash for ten days and the worst i get might be one gnat, not 5 or so. Most of the time none. So i know this has nothing to do with ice, but i am trying to answer his question.
skeptics dont need a "with", the pro-orgone ice people are providing the "with" pics already.

so? we are talking about ang el's know, the one YOU chose to examine
You are being hard headed here. These are just explanations that come easy to me, okay? The skeptics are you and anybody else who wants a without to compare the "with" to.
You are being hard headed here. These are just explanations that come easy to me, okay? The skeptics are you and anybody else who wants a without to compare the "with" to.
i think i am just not understanding you.

if we are talking about ang el's vid specifically..yes it is nice she provided a without. (in my opinion, it proves the varying insulating effect of a thick hunk of resin changes ice formation). But the question was regarding putting all 3 in the same freezer, based on orgonite lore that they affect the whole environment.

But it doesnt matter, so let's move on. The only thing that matters is if ice formation without orgonite or cemenite looks the same as ice formation with O and C. Her experiment suggests it does but i already replicated without orgonite her pendant glass, which she describes as only having the column formation in the bottom most section.

pendant match.PNG
i think i am just not understanding you.

if we are talking about ang el's vid specifically..yes it is nice she provided a without. (in my opinion, it proves the varying insulating effect of a thick hunk of resin changes ice formation). But

But it doesnt matter, so let's move on. The only thing that matters is if ice formation without orgonite or cemenite looks the same as ice formation with O and C. Her experiment suggests it does but i already replicated without orgonite her pendant glass, which she describes as only having the column formation in the bottom most section.

pendant match.PNG
Just read the replies on that video i provided. It also answers how cemenite is different. I already voided out the orgonite ice because it has been defeated. As i said, we hamoved on to cemenite ice.
Just read the replies on that video i provided. It also answers how cemenite is different. I already voided out the orgonite ice because it has been defeated. As i said, we hamoved on to cemenite ice.
so you are saying any experiment with orgonite supposedly showing orgone in ice is bunk?
who is "we?"
At most, i am just saying regular ice can look like orgone ice. The bubbles still have me believing. I already provided this picture once. I could not get it to focus, but that is millions of bubbles and then near the top it goes around in circles and veers off as if it could have gone higher if it had more ice to move in. Obviously it seems as if you have not been staying up on my posts. As for Cemenite, it is different. Just read those replies on the suchanyovideo video i provided. There's a reason why one is referred to as male and the other female. It is like the yin and yang, so to speak.


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cemenite Vs. Regular rock found in street.

(note: mine is slanting inwards because i purposefully am inducing the big air bubble with ping pong ball to get the inward slant of bubbles. i am trying to mimic the photo attached below. BUT as you can see, regardless of angle, the bubbles lines ..."the flowers".. are the same.)

*its seriously hard to get closeup shots with a cheap camera :)

sidebyside cem.png

add: this one is pretty clear for a still photo



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cemenite Vs. Regular rock found in street.

(note: mine is slanting inwards because i purposefully am inducing the big air bubble with ping pong ball to get the inward slant of bubbles. i am trying to mimic the photo attached below. BUT as you can see, regardless of angle, the bubbles lines ..."the flowers".. are the same.)

*its seriously hard to get closeup shots with a cheap camera :)

sidebyside cem.png

add: this one is pretty clear for a still photo

Earlier you asked if ice was important. There are other ways to prove cemenite, so, no, it doesn't matter too much anymore. I'll just do the other tests along with the ice when i get the cemenite. It will always be fun to do, anyway.
How far apart would they need to be?

Cos this orgonite on the table is supposedly having an effect on clouds ->

So, a few miles apart?

Notice how in that video they are still outside, not in the house? When most people use cloud busters, for instance, they place them outside. Not all orgonite has the same strength/range. So i figure as long as it is separated by a few walls or in another room, it might be okay. If doing ice experiments, it goes in the freezer.
Oh, i caught the inbetween stage (of orgone ice) where you can hear it make bubbles.

So, what do you think?


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Well, did you hear it surge like a babbling brook? Also, i remember the first order of orgone i got. i did my experiments with it (with the orgone inside), and when i took it out, it began to melt rapidly. This latest order does not do that, however. "Dr. Neb Heru" has a video where the orgone was doing this to his ice.
Well, did you hear it surge like a babbling brook? Also, i remember the first order of orgone i got. i did my experiments with it (with the orgone inside), and when i took it out, it began to melt rapidly. This latest order does not do that, however. "Dr. Neb Heru" has a video where the orgone was doing this to his ice.
you really have to start providing links yourself. and i didint hear yours babbling out either, although im sure in real life i would hear pop pop pop as the bubbles pop.
a clip i made when Mick was talking about filming bubbles. you can see my bubbles trapped at the top as the ice froze over. 5 minutes earlier and we probably would have had the same effect as yours.


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you really have to start providing links yourself. and i didint hear yours babbling out either, although im sure in real life i would hear pop pop pop as the bubbles pop.
You probably confused it with a static sound, but its there. Then from the last note:
Sorry, i didn't know that was a requirement. Here you go.
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You probably confused it with a static sound, but its there. Then from the last note:
Sorry, i didn't know that was a requirement. Here you go.

thankyou for the link. timestamps are also appreciated :)

at :35 -1:17 or so, secs he starts wiping then declares "this thing is MELTIN" because "i just took it out of the freezer"...that's not melting, thats condensation. probably with your first experiments the humidity was lower so you didn't get as much condensation happening. If you have more questions about condensation you can ask @Mick West or any of the "contrail" guys, they can explain it better to you or direct you to threads that explain condensation.

note :contrail really means "condensation trail" so they know ALL about condensation :)