Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

My phone isn't up to the task oh photographing the total lunar eclipse. But if you imagine it you'll see it's pretty awesome.

Edit: totality allowed me to get a terrible but recognizable photo:
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I didn't have a great camera or a tripod with me, but I did get decent looks
at different times:
Near totality: 1904...middle of the totality (orange): 2049.
Moon Eclipse Orange A 9:26:15 near totality r.jpg
Moon Eclipse Orange C 9:26:15 middle totality.jpg
Moon Eclipse Orange D 9:26:15 post umbra.jpg
Went to a nearby park with my gf and a bottle of wine. There were a bunch of other people scattered around us on an east facing slope. Lotsa nerds in this town.


Backup to before we left for the park, when a sundog showed up to kick off the festivities.


Lunar Eclipse 9/27/15




Walked around the block, following an almost totally cloudless day and warm sunshine, this lone cloud was seen hanging almost directly overhead. To my eye, it looked more like an enormous feather than it does in the photo.


As I got round the other side of the block two minutes later, I glance at it again to see a jet laying a short-lived contrail across it


My phone's clock is about 1-2mins slow so I hazard a guess the contrail was laid by MON408R Airbus A321 climbing through 30,000ft
Went to a nearby park with my gf and a bottle of wine. There were a bunch of other people scattered around us on an east facing slope.

How come your eclipse started at the upper right and moved left, mine started at the left and moved right. I'm in NY.
Went to a nearby park with my gf and a bottle of wine. There were a bunch of other people scattered around us on an east facing slope. Lotsa nerds in this town.

How come your eclipse started at the upper right and moved left, mine started at the left and moved right. I'm in NY.

I think that the sorley's photos captured the end of the eclipse. In my location (England) the eclipse started at the upper left and moved right:
How come your eclipse started at the upper right and moved left, mine started at the left and moved right. I'm in NY.

It didn't, his photos (and mine) show the moon coming out out eclipse. By the time the moon rose on the West Coast it was already fully eclipsed (pretty much)
While looking at the sky, contrail watchers often take interesting or pretty photos of clouds - even if it's not specifically about the contrails. This is the thread to post them in.

Sunrise in Venice, California, 7-Jan-2014
IMG_9941.JPG 2014-01-07 07-17-26.jpg


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Various clouds photographed today (11/10/2015) in Perth between 9am and 3:45pm, I think the urban 'heat island' kept them to the fringes of the metropolitan area.
IMG_0245.jpg IMG_0251.jpg IMG_0254.jpg IMG_0290.jpg IMG_0293.jpg
Noticed this as I stepped out into my mum's garden this afternoon. I'm sure I've seen them before but not consciously and certainly wouldn't have been able to identify it for what it was - a fallstreak - due to previous ignorance so decided to take a snapshot of it on my phone.


I then set up the camcorder in timelapse as I was curious to how it may evolve. Of course, drifting out of frame was the answer lol.

Noticed this as I stepped out into my mum's garden this afternoon. I'm sure I've seen them before but not consciously and certainly wouldn't have been able to identify it for what it was - a fallstreak - due to previous ignorance so decided to take a snapshot of it on my phone.


I then set up the camcorder in timelapse as I was curious to how it may evolve. Of course, drifting out of frame was the answer lol.

Lots of people in southern England have been reporting fallstreaks today. I think this is the remains of a very old one, which has been slowly drifting in from the east.

There we go.. ran across this the other night as I was headed home from work.. thought it was incredible and figured you guys would like it as well.

[GALLERY=media, 17]Landscape by Svartbjørn posted Oct 14, 2015 at 6:36 PM[/GALLERY]
There we go.. ran across this the other night as I was headed home from work.. thought it was incredible and figured you guys would like it as well.

[GALLERY=media, 17]Landscape by Svartbjørn posted Oct 14, 2015 at 6:36 PM[/GALLERY]
I get a message saying I don't have permission to view it.
I get a message saying I don't have permission to view it.
Hmm ok.. lemme tinker with it, was trying to upload it from my work computer and the FW settings are a lil odd so I had to get.. creative lol. Give me a bit Trail and Ill fix it.

It's the new "Media" feature of the board, which is somewhat untested. You put it in a private album, and you'd need to change the privacy setting to "Everyone"

I'm not sure what to call this. This was taken at 5:30 pm, Oct. 23, 2015, our sunset was at 6:11, Bakersfield, CA. . The inverted arc seemed to be about 45 degrees above the sun.DSCF1245.jpg


From the time I first noticed it, it only lasted a minute or 2. 20 minutes later, 5:50 pm, it reappeared, still about 45 degrees above the setting sun, now being blocked by the houses of my back door neighbors.


I did add some contrast to these photos, the colors were not real brilliant, but there was definitely some prismatic action going on.

From Oct. 17, possibly a Kelvin-Helmholtz?

I'm not sure what to call this. This was taken at 5:30 pm, Oct. 23, 2015, our sunset was at 6:11, Bakersfield, CA. . The inverted arc seemed to be about 45 degrees above the sun.

A much nicer example, Oct. 27, 2015, 5:15 pm PDT. I found out it's a circumzenithal arc.

DSCF1294.jpg DSCF1295.jpg
Standing waves over the island and Sound of Ulva, Scottish Hebrides last week. Ulva was the first thing the strong south-westerly wind off the Atlantic was hittingIMG_7897.JPG