Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

If you have a radio scanner you can listen in to the Sqdn Ldr and pilots giving their cues etc. 243.450mhz though this is UK, may not be the same over there plus they will change freq's if some derp with a transceiver tries to talk to them (which does happen)
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Just so happened to be with the Sqdn Ldr as he wasn't flying but entertaining some VIP's and the Reds photo team for those pics. Was great listening in to the commands and occasional back chatter on their radio. Use to do similar with the Blue Angels and their ground spotter many eons again in a previous life. The BBC had a film crew there that day too making a documentary. Fortunately you won't see me in the back ground as they scrambled down the cliff to a not so advisable viewing location.
Bearing change or wind-blown contrail?
Looking north from Ocean Shores, south of Coolangata and Brisbane airports, 30thmay, 11:50, east coast of Australia.IMAG0739.jpg
it is seriously pretty down under.

mm, autumn and winter is lovely around here.

Look like typical high altitude holds for Sydney to Brisbane around Gold Coast.
The reason I wondered was because there was also a contrail (which I didn't take a photo of) that was shaped like a rainbow spanning the the sky from north west to north east earlier, and most air traffic that I note is straight from north to south, and the movement of the clouds suggested high winds acting on the clouds and contrails. (my first wispy cloud photo in the other cloud thread is from today)
There was *were* a few interesting wind/contrail sculptures I wish I had gotten photos of, one was very much like a helix twist being spread out slowly, another contrail had weird steps in it.
So I thought maybe it's possible for the wind to 'bend' a contrail, though I did also think it's a bit unlikely.
mm, autumn and winter is lovely around here.

The reason I wondered was because there was also a contrail (which I didn't take a photo of) that was shaped like a rainbow spanning the the sky from north west to north east earlier, and most air traffic that I note is straight from north to south, and the movement of the clouds suggested high winds acting on the clouds and contrails. (my first wispy cloud photo in the other cloud thread is from today)
There was *were* a few interesting wind/contrail sculptures I wish I had gotten photos of, one was very much like a helix twist being spread out slowly, another contrail had weird steps in it.
So I thought maybe it's possible for the wind to 'bend' a contrail, though I did also think it's a bit unlikely.

There's some E-W traffic from Auckland that flies over Brisbane towards Asia.
An aerodynamic contrail forming around the wings during refueling today (around FL210). definitely pockets of warm moist air out, it was too bumpy for video and I didn't have my Go Pro anyhow.

Flying above the North Sea I spotted a few trails below.

This little trail had cast a shadow:

This little trail spread out:

This little trail produced a row of fallstreak clouds:

This little trail was left by UFO*:

* Unidentified floating object
Bicolored contrails:


In Northern Europe there are amazing contrails that come in different colours from the different engines ;)

PS Before somebody claims this being evidence for chemtrails, I'd like to point out it was the flight AFL2535
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Couldn't resist taking this picture on Saturday...since they were deliberately trying to block out the sun ;)

The long persistent trail was very noticeable in the clear sky....3 hours later the sky was hazy and filled with cirrus and contrail cirrus.

photo 1(4).JPG

decent vortice shot

photo 2(5).JPG
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I'd never paid any attention to contrails before I found this website. I now find it fascinating to watch the planes fly overhead and seeing what they leave in their wake.

This is what's called a Crow instability, right?
DSC_0104.JPG DSC_0105.JPG
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I'd never paid any attention to contrails before I found this website. I now find it fascinating to watch the planes fly overhead and seeing what they leave in their wake.

This is what's called a Crow instability, right?
DSC_0104.JPG DSC_0105.JPG

Yes, this is how Crow instability affects (some) longish but not persistent contrails. There are other manifestations of Crow instability in contrails too.

See this thread:
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Forest Fire May 2014, near Sedona, Az


  • upload_2014-6-25_11-31-15.png
    1.1 MB · Views: 523
After three years of not getting a chance to catch these clowns in the act, I was finally in the right place at the right time to capture their nefarious doings.

[Broken External Image]:Red Arrows 23 May 2014 0810_Crop by pseacraft, on Flickr

The rest can be viewed here:

Question for any chemtrail believers reading this: These planes are clearly spraying something, why doesn't it persist and spread across the sky?
I've just returned from a beach holiday in southwest Turkey. The same latitude as Monterey Bay but cheaper and apparently hotter at this time of the year. Not a single contrail for the whole week and very few clouds sticking out behind surrounding mountains. The only picture of a plane trail I took was accidental (EDIT: It was not a plane after all, see below):

It was a long exposure shot of the night sky (enhanced and cropped to the horizontal FOV of about 30°) that probably captured flashing lights of a plane flying from (or to) Rhodos.

The next morning I saw a different kind of trail on the sea surface left by a boat:

This was definitely a persistent trail, as the boat had gone long before I took this picture.
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Looks more like a steel cable illuminated from below.

It does but it was too high up the sky for a cable.

Here is the original photo (note the position of the moon in the bottom right corner).

And here is the moon position relative horizon in the next shot. Note a plenty of sea in the front of the camera.
It does but it was too high up the sky for a cable.

High, or close to the camera?

The angle of the spiral actually seems more like rope:

And you can faintly see the shape of the spiral on the top edge.

A plane would simply not block the sky like that. It was something that was there for the entire exposure, not moving.
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High, or close to the camera?

The angle of the spiral actually seems more like rope:

And you can faintly see the shape of the spiral on the top edge.

A plane would simply not block the sky like that. It was something that was there for the entire exposure, not moving.

Agree. I've gone trough my photos and found one, taken from a boat, that pictures the camera position in the above shot (arrow):
I had no tripod with me and set up the camera on the table tilting it with help of a bag. Did not notice that I caught the top rope of the fence :oops:
Looks more like a steel cable illuminated from below.

Good spotting!

Good lesson too. I was going to discard this photo but spotted the row of faint lights in it upon magnification and decided to keep it. I was certain that there was nothing close in the front of the camera and hastily concluded that this row had to be in the sky and would make a good story. Should not have rushed to publish this photo here without having analysed it thoroughly myself.
I don't know what the chemmies are going to do with this one, some crazy pilot drew Mick's face in the sky at an air show!!!

bad resolution, but a little fuel dump last night, pneumatic over temp on one of the wing engines, which I couldn't isolate…


I spotted this today, it looked a lot clearer (more open) when I noticed it driving, by the time I got home and took a picture it still looked pretty neat.