Photoshopped "chemtrail" images on

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And the blurb for the photo says:

Drought? What drought?
The lowest of the three reservoirs at Redmires, on the outskirts of Sheffield.

It looks rather dramatic, but in fact there's no water shortage in this part of the UK. All the other reservoirs in the Peak District are full to overflowing.

The reservoir in this picture is very old, so I think the level has probably been dropped to allow maintenance work to take place.
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I went to university in Sheffield, and lived approximately three and a half miles from that reservoir. I can confirm that Sheffield is definitely not "where rain is most needed".
@Mick West youre being very generous, i dont think that middle one has any contrails at all. at least none i can see in that little pic.

but yea he used a pretty impressive pic from barcelona (----edit, mistake year----) too, which i do think is real.. but out of hundreds of photos from tourists i couldnt even find one other at that angle with a contrail in it.

chemtr11.jpg Fernsehturm_Barcelona_Tibidabo_Torre_Collserola_2009.jpg

my favorite though is this one.. which apparently is what will happen to you if you breathe in a contrail.


  • stat.PNG
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but yea he used a pretty impressive pic from barcelona (pre 2010) too, which i do think is real.. but out of hundreds of photos from tourists i couldnt even find one other at that angle with a contrail in it.

That photo is from this article, which quite clearly says they are contrails.

The lines we see in the sky are wake of water vapor in the atmosphere that are formed due to the expulsion of vapor contained in the gases exhausted by the plane. ... ice crystals can grow into the typical type Cirrus clouds are formed. ... in addition to a very low temperature, in the air there is a high vapor concentration needs.

While initially the wake may be considered an artificial cloud, growth transforms into a natural cloud.
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It is disturbing that photoshopping is considered morally acceptable by the leaders of the Conspiracy. They feel it is perfectly justified because their mission to awaken the masses to their religion is more important than strict adherence to the truth. What a slippery slope we are seeing they are willing to slide down without a second thought.

The ends justify the means.
The ends justify the means.
Which is, of course, precisely what the "chemtrail" crowd angrily accuses the establishment of :rolleyes:
(poisoning us with aluminum, etc., in an attempt to curb global warming...well...that's a frequently asserted "motive")
Did anybody archive all those pages with the manipulated photos and if so, can you post them all?
The Sheffield reservoir pic was copyrighted, used without permission, and the photographer asked him to take it down.
Oh, apparently this new one is also copyrighted (thanks to the moderator who added it to my post).
Then Dane isn't reading us? I'm disappointed...
Oh, apparently this new one is also copyrighted (thanks to the moderator who added it to my post).
Then Dane isn't reading us? I'm disappointed...
Dane may have a Shutterstock licence. He uses quite a few pics from there. I don't think they are very expensive.
my favorite though is this one.. which apparently is what will happen to you if you breathe in a contrail.

Following that link I noticed this - - looks like more photoshopping there, unless maccu picchu is under a main air route ...

Anyone care to find out whether 200,000 alpacas have died in Peru? And if so why? I have a feeling geoengineering would not be the cause
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Following that link I noticed this - - looks like more photoshopping there, unless maccu picchu is under a main air route ...
No, it is a real image showing natural cirrus clouds.

They are quite similar in appearance to the images of natural cirrus clouds over the Andes I posted here:
[QUOTE="keefe, post: 161965, member: 1296"/quote]
Anyone care to find out whether 200,000 alpacas have died in Peru? And if so why? I have a feeling geoengineering would not be the cause[/QUOTE]

News from South America is sometimes sketchy due to translation. If you notice, Dane claims 3 incidents, but when you get to the news it isn't always what he says:

Puno: Alarm 200,000 alpaca and llamas could die/Request for help
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as a result of the heavy snowfalls approximately 2000 animals from alpacas and others died, among the most affected districts include Cuyo Cuyo, Limbani, and other uptown.
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Snow killed more than two thousand alpacas in Puno
Sandia Regarding the outlook is not very encouraging as a result of the heavy snowfalls approximately 2000 animals from alpacas and others died, among the most affected districts include Cuyo Cuyo, Limbani, and other uptown.
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I spent a week in Peru and did not see a single contrail, or even a high altitude plane. And I was looking. Interesting clouds were not uncommon though. These were over Cusco.
Content from external source Snow killed more than two thousand alpacas in Puno
Sandia Regarding the outlook is not very encouraging as a result of the heavy snowfalls approximately 2000 animals from alpacas and others died, among the most affected districts include Cuyo Cuyo, Limbani, and other uptown.
This article reports that more than 171,000 alpacas died:
Google translate:
More than 171,000 alpacas whose wool is exported to Asia and Europe died in the first two weeks of July snowfall and low temperatures in Puno.
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Co-incidentally, I noticed a lot of (paralleled) "contrail looking" cirrus in the sky yeterday making up a visible weather-front but also noticed all aircraft (except one exciting and crossing through the weather-front at right angles) were not producing any contrails at all.
It's very easy to find copies on the web without a watermark.
thats what i'm thinking. his Herndonan article pic is actually a video which is 6 credits. thats 60 bucks for one snip/pic. seems pricey when there are plenty of free pics online. Plus how much cooler would it be if he could embed the full video?


of course it is possible he has a license but kinda weird his snip is the exact second of the advert freezeframe above. who knows...
Oh for Christ's sake...
Off topic, sorry, but I have to react to this :
Hello Marc, about your bloodwork, if there was no chelation protocal done before the test, the metals are in all likekyhood simply lodged in your system and not moving aournd. Chelation just prior to testing is nessesary for an accurate result. The metals are in the air, and in all of us, this is a given.
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No, provoked urine testing (= "chelation protocal (sic) done before the test") is a bogus procedure used to make people believe they have high levels of metals in their blood, in order to encourage to do more chelation / detox.
The report classifies the man's lead and mercury levels as "elevated because they are twice as high as the upper limit of their "reference ranges." However, this classification is misleading because:
The report states that the specimen was obtained after patient was given a "provoking agent," but the reference range is based on non-provoked tests.
The levels, whether provoked or not, are not high enough to conclude that the patient has a problem that requires attention.
Even if a problem exists, chelation may not be the best course of action.
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The standard way to measure urinary mercury and lead levels is by collecting a non-provoked urine sample over a 24-hour period. Because most of the extra excretion takes place within a few hours after the chelating agent is administered, using a shorter collection period will yield a higher concentration.
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(I had already heard of this because my work involves working with autistic people, who are often subjected to this bogus chelation therapy because of these fake tests.)
Are they pretending the photos are real or just using them for art to illustrate the them of the conference etc?

As for copyright. Thats an issue for another forum I think. There is a big difference between LEGAL and LAWFUL and MORALS.

[Hey if nothing else I am good for making a convo even more interesting]
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Are they pretending the photos are real or just using them for art to illustrate the them of the conference etc?

As for copyright. Thats an issue for another forum I think. There is a big difference between LEGAL and LAWFUL and MORALS.

I'd say unless they caption the pictures as composite images they are de facto pretending they are real, no?

This is a small and relatively inconsequential deception, but little crimes lead to big crimes. That this deception can be made so unthinkingly and ubiquitously points to there being larger and more consequential deceptions going on. It calls into question Dane's morals.

I for one would capture every incriminating chemtrail photo I could in his shoes, but I would never manufacture them (if I thought of it at all), because I understand that would create the question of what other evidence was manipulated to look like something it was not.
I'd say unless they caption the pictures as composite images they are de facto pretending they are real, no?

This is a small and relatively inconsequential deception, but little crimes lead to big crimes. That this deception can be made so unthinkingly and ubiquitously points to there being larger and more consequential deceptions going on. It calls into question Dane's morals.

I for one would capture every incriminating chemtrail photo I could in his shoes, but I would never manufacture them (if I thought of it at all), because I understand that would create the question of what other evidence was manipulated to look like something it was not.

I get your point but at the same time one of them is even replete with skulls. That is a bit manipulative for sure but quite common in marketing - that form of photo editing.

I am pretty sure few if any saw them and thought they were real pictures.

Anyway, its impressive work [this thread] so I am not knocking the debunking and the work that went in to it. =)
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I for one would capture every incriminating chemtrail photo I could in his shoes, but I would never manufacture them (if I thought of it at all), because I understand that would create the question of what other evidence was manipulated to look like something it was not.

Judging from the conversations on threads when someone posts a photo or video that has already been shown to be false, it doesn't matter. If it "wakes someone up", it's all good. The ends justify the means.
Judging from the conversations on threads when someone posts a photo or video that has already been shown to be false, it doesn't matter. If it "wakes someone up", it's all good. The ends justify the means.
Well, that is wrong. That prob why I am not that big in conspiracy circles now. I am too honest. =)
Judging from the conversations on threads when someone posts a photo or video that has already been shown to be false, it doesn't matter. If it "wakes someone up", it's all good. The ends justify the means.

Which is more or less exactly the point. When the ends justify the means morals (and objectivity) go right out the window. Anything is justifiable in support of the axiomatic truth. Whether that axiom is actually the truth at all is no longer examined.
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