Shasta County Supervisors to discuss chemtrails

Following Mick's youtube link of the meeting, I noticed this alongside the related video section. Seems they (Dane et al) have been here before in August 2013

Shasta County residents ask Air Quality Board to investigate GeoEngineering

I've yet to watch it
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So at the end of the day the supervisors have decided to get answers from the authorities by ending them a video. Some poor sod at the EPA is going to be really happy to see yet another video link.

I noticed the absence of Matthew Sutton of AECOM. He would have been a real scoop for the CT cause.

Wow. Sutton was touted to speak by Dane over and over again for weeks on the radio show. He was to be their most important speaker.
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Here's an interview with Dane from just before the meeting:

Repeats the usual fallacious claims, including the nonsensical UV readings. He seems to focus on "contamination" and "UV" as the issues he wants the board to address.

Says he has 60-70 lab tests on showing aluminum.
Having now viewed last year's meeting video, it's apparent the board have "been on notice" since at least '08

Why has there been no (obvious) progression, it seems they're stuck on a loop.
Having now viewed last year's meeting video, it's apparent the board have "been on notice" since at least '08

Why has there been no (obvious) progression, it seems they're stuck on a loop.

Most likely because they consider the chemtrail folk to be an annoyance, and little more. All local councils have crank speakers from the public who just take up time at the meetings with their unusual theories. The council politely listens, and then moves on to the actual mundane business of running the city/county. They are not paid to spend a lot of time learning about the subject, or rebutting it.

This strikes the chemtrail activists as being suspicious stonewalling, as to people like Dane the issue is nothing less than the imminent collapse of civilization and megadeaths, but to the council it's just a bunch of local folks with an unusual but unfounded apocalyptic theory.
Regular Calendar R7 Administration Office: Take the following actions:
1 Receive input and discuss matters regarding geoengineering
2 Consider providing direction to staff and
3 Consider taking other action appropriate action , as necessary (Supervisor Giacomini)

Starts @ 1:15
They want to measure the nanoparticles.
But I don't see what the baseline would be for that because I don't think there is historical data on airborne nanoparticles.
Most likely because they consider the chemtrail folk to be an annoyance, and little more. All local councils have crank speakers from the public who just take up time at the meetings with their unusual theories. The council politely listens, and then moves on to the actual mundane business of running the city/county. They are not paid to spend a lot of time learning about the subject, or rebutting it.

This strikes the chemtrail activists as being suspicious stonewalling, as to people like Dane the issue is nothing less than the imminent collapse of civilization and megadeaths, but to the council it's just a bunch of local folks with an unusual but unfounded apocalyptic theory.

From a neutral viewpoint, they must have some sort of measure of what to dismiss as nonsense and what to consider worthy of further debate? ie, some speakers testified they don't know where the (alleged) pollution is coming from but ask the board to investigate. I would have expected there is some system in place to sort the chaff from the wheat (forgive the pun in the cliche) over the years?
From a neutral viewpoint, they must have some sort of measure of what to dismiss as nonsense and what to consider worthy of further debate? ie, some speakers testified they don't know where the (alleged) pollution is coming from but ask the board to investigate. I would have expected there is some system in place to sort the chaff from the wheat (forgive the pun in the cliche) over the years?

A while ago they tested for aluminum in the water, but found none. So that was that. Basically they have nothing to go by.

Maybe if they just have a scientist have a look at Dane's nonsensical UV readings, they might get some better perspective. But these are just local politicians - they might have some trouble following the science.
A while ago they tested for aluminum in the water, but found none. So that was that. Basically they have nothing to go by.

Maybe if they just have a scientist have a look at Dane's nonsensical UV readings, they might get some better perspective. But these are just local politicians - they might have some trouble following the science.

Yep. This is the perpetual problem. There is no way to see how wrong Dane is without wading into the science.
A while ago they tested for aluminum in the water, but found none. So that was that. Basically they have nothing to go by.

Maybe if they just have a scientist have a look at Dane's nonsensical UV readings, they might get some better perspective. But these are just local politicians - they might have some trouble following the science.

I should have been more patient. @ 2hrs 25mins my question was asked - since 08 what tests have you done? :oops:
They probably meant the fan. However, for completeness:

Impellers in gas turbine (turboprop) engines[edit]
Some turboprop engines use an impeller instead of an axial compressor. For example the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW100 uses a two-stage compressor with a low power impeller discharging air pressure on the high power impeller which compresses the air again into the combustion chamber. The fuel is mixed in at over 200 psi (1,400 kPa) and the mixture burns in the combustion chamber. The reason for using an impeller instead of an axial compressor is that the engine's length can be reduced.
Content from External Source

Impellers are used in the simplest forms of jet engines:

PW100 is used for turboprops. And no, you would not be able to see wear on the impeller.

And if there's something in the fuel, it's only going to affect the turbine blades, even deeper in the engine.

Yes, I know this. It was me being a bit facetious.

Oh, and an impeller is also used by a jet-ski.

POINT I was making is....these folks who claim "chem"trails cannot understand the technology that they claim are causing the imaginary "things" that they fear so much!!!
I started listening at a coffee shop and stopped it to go home. Now I'm waiting for the dang thing to load and stream again. It's excruciatingly slow.
I started listening at a coffee shop and stopped it to go home. Now I'm waiting for the dang thing to load and stream again. It's excruciatingly slow.

I'm uploading it to YouTube. In the meantime here's an hour of it starting with Dane, closeups of the speakers, so you don't see the slides.
Steve Funk from 3:42

Tough crowd @Steve Funk. But you did a good job of hitting the key points there.

Peterson Field Guide to the Atmosphere (1981) is an excellent reference to quote from. I'd recommend that anyone who actually engages with chemtrail believers gets a copy. It also has a nice section on the history of weather modification
"Steve Funk" was there.....but in the aftermath....was it "worth it"??

I mean....were ANY minds changed?

ETA: Science.....Or Gravity....(also science)
"Steve Funk" was there.....but in the aftermath....was it "worth it"??

I mean....were ANY minds changed?

I think it's more likely that convictions were reinforced there. Without anyone actually addressing the issues it was just Steve against 30+ people. So why should people believe Steve?
Mr. Mangels says his paper "Geoengineering - What we know" has not been debunked. Do we have a discussion of it somewhere on metabunk? And where can I find the most recent revision? All I could find is the one attached.


  • GeoEngineeringWhatWeKnow.doc
    42 KB · Views: 477
Youtube version of the entire chemtrail segment: Starts at 01:15:37 from the original videos. So subtract 1:16 from the above time stamps. Steve Funk 03:42 is now at 2:26

I'm uploading it to YouTube. In the meantime here's an hour of it starting with Dane, closeups of the speakers, so you don't see the slides.

@ 28:00 is a pilot. Any chance of engaging him on his claims, like that contrails dissipate within a minute? His name was given earlier. It's REAALY unfortunate to have a pilot reinforce that falsehood.

Gaah! The second pilot @34:00 says that contrails dissipate within 15 seconds!
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@ 49:15(first vid) the woman claims increased UV readings and skewed "media". She, of course, cites Dane's readings as her proof and states that the meters used were "top of the line". :rolleyes: This will now reinforce the absurd UV level claims Dane has put forth.

PS: She really has no idea of the implications if Dane's UV claims were true.
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I think Steve did a heluva job in the time available. Hit some really good points. Then the following speaker utilizes the common strawman argument that Steve is saying "nothing is wrong" in the world.
I hope this agency doesn't send this stuff along to other agencies without any fact-checking of their own.
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It's indeed baffling that pilots can make these false statements about the lifetime of contrails.
Russ Lazuka was indeed a pilot.

HE is not worthy of discussing.

I mean, ANY "chem"trail believer can get a pilot license. Doesn't then make them an experienced pilot....with decades behind them.
HE is not worthy of discussing.

I mean, ANY "chem"trail believer can get a pilot license. Doesn't then make them an experienced pilot....with decades behind them.
But this guy was actually a commercial pilot, well before the chemtrail theory was invented.
But this guy was actually a commercial pilot, well before the chemtrail theory was invented.

SO? Being a commercial pilot is just a few steps above a Private Pilot license. Means he has an Instrument rating. You can get a Commercial Pilot license in the the USA with only 250 hours. AND, it said he is a "single-engine" pilot. Not to trample on anyone, but MOST "Commercial Pilots" are not SE ("single-engine") only.

But...a Commercial License is NOT the same as an ATP, or "Airline Transport Pilot" rating.`

I ONLY added that because my memory, although still intact, is NOT viable as a "source"....
And even being a pilot does not automatically make you an expert on contrails. Everyone can see contrails persist from the ground quite well. Pilots just a get a closer view, and they can't see their own contrails.

I'm just single engine myself, and only went as far as the long-distance solo. I learned a lot about flying and airspace, and something about weather, but nothing about contrails.
I'm just single engine myself, and only went as far as the long-distance solo. I learned a lot about flying and airspace, and something about weather, but nothing about contrails.

Please do not 'sell' yourself short, here.

JUST the experience of knowing ANYTHING about flying puts you miles ahead of most of the "chem"trail claimants. I'd ask them to ALL go out, and learn to at least SOLO!!! (Only about 8 or 9 hours to solo!!). Mom soloed in 7 hours, in a TWIN!!! (A Piper Apache).

EDIT...and yeah....knowing what I KNOW NOW? That is "effing" scary....but, POINT is, she did it. Doesn't mean that she had any knowledge, nor experience....just that she knew ENOUGH how to not get killed when flying an airplane.

But, I guess, we can say that about anyone who can drive a car??
All that matters is that 'they' have pilots on their side, for real. I have seen various chemtrail believers, like Russ Tanner, claim to have pilots who would back their story before, but never have they actually brought one forward, afaik, till now.

PS: Wait- there was that female heli pilot...
PS: Wait- there was that female heli pilot... NOT go there!!!

I refer back to my post above...(GoTO)...etc) nerds can add the code....

EDIT: Hmmm....a 'female'.....perhaps I could....could.....''''no.....not processing''''

....nope....ain't gonna work. HOWEVER, I could interact with a person on an intellectual level...
When the average person hears commercial pilot they think airline pilot. Not knowing that requires an Air Transport Pilot license (ATP). Plus type rating.