The International Chemtrail Association

"For months some chemtrails activists have been announcing their gut feeling that we (they?) are on the verge of a “breakthrough” and that the other side (whether official agencies such as NASA or well-known geoengineering advocates such as David Keith) were shortly going to “admit the truth".

Except that it hasn't been just "months". It has been a constant feature of the chemtrail hoax(and lots of others, like the 'Planet X' one) for YEARS.
Agree with WeedWhacker, most likely for mosquito control. See the Air Force Reserve's 910th Airlift Wing.

Belfrey I will get back with you on the spraying mosquito plane when I find the right or better picture than what I have. IMG_0066.JPG

These pictures were taken in January. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, temp 65ish, humidity about 50%. I go into a house for 10 -15 minutes and come out and Wow. I've been keeping a log on the weather and have seen other contrails that persisted and grew some but this was exceptional. In the 1st picture you can see a contrail above the sun.


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There wasn't a cloud in the sky, temp 65ish, humidity about 50%. I go into a house for 10 -15 minutes and come out and Wow.

The photo shows very typical events as a weather front is moving across the Earth, bringing with it upper-level cirrus clouds. That is all.

Oh, and the 65° and 50% humidity? This would be on the ground where you were, correct? Irrelevant. The atmospheric conditions at altitudes of 5 or 6 or 7 miles overhead can be completely different....certainly, the temperatures are far colder.

The "standard" adiabatic lapse rate from Sea Level to about 36,000 feet in Earth's atmosphere is approximately 3°F/2°C per 1,000 feet vertically.
More reading:

After the boring scientific introductory section, you will find this part pertinent to cloud (and contrail) formation and persistence.

Significance in meteorology
In the 1st picture you can see a contrail above the sun.

The doesn't look at all like a contrail...just a long, thin cloud. Note the shape more closely.

Perhaps it's more illuminating when you watch cloud formation in time-lapse. We humans exist in a second-by-second time frame, but using compressed-time photography allows us to see what is really happening, and it makes better sense this way:

Here are some with contrails can see how the contrails sometimes evolve into regular cirrus clouds, sometimes they disappear (sublimate). Notice, though, that they ALL (clouds, and contrails) remain up there, at altitude...and how they continue to move away from the camera's point-of-view. Because, most often the case at high altitude, there are very strong winds. This is why the "chem"trail myth is so unscientific and inaccurate:

Except that it hasn't been just "months". It has been a constant feature of the chemtrail hoax(and lots of others, like the 'Planet X' one) for YEARS.

Hama if they were doing aerial spraying of mosquitos wouldn't that be considered chemtrails? The people below don't have a choice as to whether or not they get sprayed. At least when the city is spraying with one of their trucks, you have time to run into the house. If this video is right, these are poisons being sprayed.

Agent Orange?

Hama if they were doing aerial spraying of mosquitos wouldn't that be considered chemtrails? The people below don't have a choice as to whether or not they get sprayed. At least when the city is spraying with one of their trucks, you have time to run into the house. If this video is right, these are poisons being sprayed.

Agent Orange?

They are poisons - insect poisons. Not completely non-toxic to people, but synthetic pyrethroids are used for many applications (such as pet flea & tick control, household pest control) where human contact is likely, because of their comparatively low toxicity to mammals. I'd be interested to see any evidence that they cause the long list of diseases given in that video, particularly at the rate applied for knock-down of mosquito adult populations.

In any case, whether one thinks that aerial mosquito spraying is a bad idea or not, there is no disagreement that it exists. But it does not cause those persistent trails in the sky that the "chemtrails" idea is all about.
Those look like clouds not contrails expanding.
They are poisons - insect poisons. Not completely non-toxic to people, but synthetic pyrethroids are used for many applications (such as pet flea & tick control, household pest control) where human contact is likely, because of their comparatively low toxicity to mammals. I'd be interested to see any evidence that they cause the long list of diseases given in that video, particularly at the rate applied for knock-down of mosquito adult populations.

In any case, whether one thinks that aerial mosquito spraying is a bad idea or not, there is no disagreement that it exists. But it does not cause those persistent trails in the sky that the "chemtrails" idea is all about.

Does "not completely non toxic" kinda like a little mercury is not completely toxic? What percentage of synthetic pyrethroids are in the aerial sprays and what other toxic ingredients are in it?

Its very toxic to aquatic wildlife and it probably to the beneficial insects as well. If they were to spray the same kind of ingredients similar to whats in Mosquito Briquettes maybe that would be better.

On a bottle of flea and tick killer it states harmful if absorbed thru skin.

Nope, there is no disagreement that aerial exists. As to causing those persistent trails in the sky.....chemtrails....I certainly hope not.
Hama if they were doing aerial spraying of mosquitos wouldn't that be considered chemtrails?

I suppose, since it is chemicals left behind an aircraft. The same has been done by trucks on the streets. However, this does not look or act anything like what people call "chemtrails" which are left mostly by commercial airliners. Also, mosquito spraying is done at VERY low altitudes. What is your point?
If you're going to open the chemtrail definition up that wide... water is a chemical, as are CO2 and oxygen. In that logic, everything, including birds, people, and plants are laying down chemtrails 24/7. The definition is already uselessly vague and broad, but you're opening it up to the point that rocks and dirt are leaving chemtrails.
Nope, not g
If you're going to open the chemtrail definition up that wide... water is a chemical, as are CO2 and oxygen. In that logic, everything, including birds, people, and plants are laying down chemtrails 24/7. The definition is already uselessly vague and broad, but you're opening it up to the point that rocks and dirt are leaving chemtrails.

Not interested in chemtrails.
If you're going to open the chemtrail definition up that wide... water is a chemical, as are CO2 and oxygen. In that logic, everything, including birds, people, and plants are laying down chemtrails 24/7. The definition is already uselessly vague and broad, but you're opening it up to the point that rocks and dirt are leaving chemtrails.

Would you rather drink the CO 2 chemical or the mosquito killing chemical?

I'm not into the chemtrail thing.
The doesn't look at all like a contrail...just a long, thin cloud. Note the shape more closely.

Perhaps it's more illuminating when you watch cloud formation in time-lapse. We humans exist in a second-by-second time frame, but using compressed-time photography allows us to see what is really happening, and it makes better sense this way:

Here are some with contrails can see how the contrails sometimes evolve into regular cirrus clouds, sometimes they disappear (sublimate). Notice, though, that they ALL (clouds, and contrails) remain up there, at altitude...and how they continue to move away from the camera's point-of-view. Because, most often the case at high altitude, there are very strong winds. This is why the "chem"trail myth is so unscientific and inaccurate:

? In another thread (yours about the C-130) you posted a YouTube video that the maker claimed showed "chem"trails. You inferred that it was "convincing" to you.

It wasn't about the chemtrails, it was about planes flying about that the air traffic controllers not knowing about. I guess thats a secret.
It wasn't about the chemtrails, it was about planes flying about that the air traffic controllers not knowing about. I guess thats a secret.

I thought I addressed this claim in another thread, specifically directed to one of your other posts already?

Sorry, but I'm wondering if you had a chance to read that other reply. Just a moment...I will post this now, then search my other response, and edit THIS post with a link to it.

FOUND it (Posted 08/13/2014 @ 12:30 PM PDT):

(EDIT): Oh wait....seems you DID read and acknowledge my post above. See here (Yesterday 08/13/2014 @ 1:08 PM PDT):

OK, thanks for letting me know.

Can you please explain?
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Because you brought up about water being a chemical.

What's your point Mutt? Youve been darting all over the place and you're dancing around something that you WANT to say but are not saying. You're acting like you're trying to ask open ended questions to get a response, but your questions and comments are all leading questions... State, flat out, in plain and simple terms what it is -exactly- that you're trying to get at so that we can answer you in a logical manner instead of going around in circles or jumping across a dozen different topics that sorta kinda touch on the main topic. Im not trying to be discourteous.. Im just trying to help streamline things a bit so we can try to respond to whatever it is that you're really and truly looking for.
It wasn't about the chemtrails, it was about planes flying about that the air traffic controllers not knowing about. I guess thats a secret.

When I took my flight lessons they were mostly conducted in uncontrolled airspace. I still made radio calls to let other traffic in the area know my intentions. The closest controlled airspace to me was around 35 miles away and they couldn't have cared less about me. As a private pilot many times I just take my plane and go fly for a little bit and the only person that will know I m flying is my wife and kids.
Just want to clear a few things prevent confusion.

The video that is mentioned a few posts above was NOT in "uncontrolled airspace", since it was at very high altitude.

A "non-radar environment" is NOT the same as "uncontrolled airspace".

Seems pedant, perhaps. But, needed to be said.
Just want to clear a few things prevent confusion.

The video that is mentioned a few posts above was NOT in "uncontrolled airspace", since it was at very high altitude.

A "non-radar environment" is NOT the same as "uncontrolled airspace".

Seems pedant, perhaps. But, needed to be said.

To clarify, 18,000 feet to 60,000 feet in the US is always controlled airspace (Class A). Generally not an issue for the private pilot though.

To clarify, 18,000 feet to 60,000 feet in the US is always controlled airspace (Class A). Generally not an issue for the private pilot though.

True. Other nations have different classifications, too. The "transition altitude" is the key. In North American airspace it is (usually) always 18,000 feet (changes sometimes when there's a very low altimeter setting, because of atmospheric pressure).

Many international jurisdictions have the similar ICAO airspace classifications, just different altitudes associated.