The Wrong Colored Backpack

Hemi, I'm sorry but none of your smaller specks cause the tell-tale CCD overload the suspect one has. To me it's caused by the white-gray trim (and top) on his backpack. We will have to agree to disagree.

Except that the iPhone 4S uses CMOS sensors.

From Wikipedia
Neither technology has a clear advantage in image quality.[citation needed] On one hand, CCD sensors are more susceptible to vertical smear from bright light sources when the sensor is overloaded; high-end CMOS sensors in turn do not suffer from this problem. On the other hand, cheaper CMOS sensors are susceptible to undesired effects that come as a result of rolling shutter.[citation needed]
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I'm not even sure how the CCD/CMOS debate comes into it if what we're discussing is mere dirt on the screen.

Here's the off-photo speck I mentioned blown up (left) and compared to the 'backpack' (right). In both cases we're talking about an image less than 8 pixels squared. How anyone can make a call on what it is or isn't is beyond me.

I tried contacting a David Green in Florida on Facebook but the account didn't have a picture (non-public) to verify and he never answered back.

Do you think he would not know about it unless you told him? Wouldn't he see his own photo was altered?
Or their world view.

Indeed. I know it's an entire topic completely, but I'm just sick and tired of seeing people doubt what I went through the day of the bombing or think that because they have access to the internet that they are now all of a sudden some sort of investigative journalist.
I'm not even sure how the CCD/CMOS debate comes into it if what we're discussing is mere dirt on the screen.

Here's the off-photo speck I mentioned blown up (left) and compared to the 'backpack' (right). In both cases we're talking about an image less than 8 pixels squared. How anyone can make a call on what it is or isn't is beyond me.

I agree that it is most likely dirt on the screen, however Engonoceras does not agree and is seemingly convinced that the "smear" is the result of a CCD sensor overload. The fact that the iPhone 4S uses a CMOS sensor (which doesnt produce that artifact) debunks that notion thoroughly.
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And all the white specks, which don't appear in the hi-res version. Again...

I count nine or ten specks in the actual photo that don't appear in the hi-res version. There's four other similar looking specks OUTSIDE of the photo area which MUST just be specks of dust or soot.

Is it conceivable, just maybe, that the white speck you're referring to is just another speck of dust like the one that appears at the bottom left of the iPhone casing?
you guys do realize that whatever that is behind him is AT LEAST as bright as his hat. and even if the backpack WAS white, which it wasn't as white as his hat (looked khaki to me), it would be darker behind him. let alone the white blob is a distinct circle shape (like a ghost orb) its not attached to his body at all.
dvorkjik had two bags. one was black. no idea if a pressure cooker could have fit in it but then the older borthers doesn't look like theres a pressure cooker in there either. guess I should google what a pressure cooker looks like.
The point is anything that is bright white on the camera screen he's holding up is being smeared (overloaded) in the image sensor of the camera that's taking the picture of the camera. I don't see the specks of dirt doing that to the degree the legit white objects in the original photo are. The only things that are causing that are: (1) The white paint stripes on the road, (2) the patch on the left guy's shirt, (3) the paper/posterboard on the ground, (4) Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's baseball hat, and finally (5) the white trimmed and topped backpack behind Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

It was OTHER people looking at the FBI released photo that concluded it seemed "fakey" behind Dzhokhar Tsarnaev where the brickwork is and speculated that his backpack was photoshopped OUT. Then I ran across the alternative copy of the David Green photo that indeed SHOWS a white object exactly WHERE the backpack would be.
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his backpack wasn't white. even in the still photo with the sun and overexposure making it look lighter it wasn't as white as your white blob. try google street view, theres probably something stuck on the building.
if you stop at 13 secs its very dark. as he walks its a light khaki. his hat is white.

either way he had two bags. the black one he held on his hip securely. so the real question should be WHere is the white backpack? not, There is the white backpack.
his backpack wasn't white. even in the still photo with the sun and overexposure making it look lighter it wasn't as white as your white blob. try google street view, theres probably something stuck on the building.
if you stop at 13 secs its very dark. as he walks its a light khaki. his hat is white.

either way he had two bags. the black one he held on his hip securely. so the real question should be WHere is the white backpack? not, There is the white backpack.

I never said it was white if that's what you are saying. The younger brother's backpack (or short duffle bag) had white trim on the straps and the top was either white or light gray. Maybe the darker backpack was inside the lighter one that's very possible. He could have been running away with the empty lighter colored one. Regardless, the FBI or whoever felt it needed to remove it from that image.

The exploded backpack I've seen is definitely mostly black with that tiny rectangular white patch on top. The white parts of the exploded backpack is the thin padding that goes between the inner and outside layers of cloth and the straps.

Only a light colored object would be bright enough on his screen to smear in the 2nd camera's image sensor. It's doesn't have to be literally white white, it could be gray or silver.
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oy. dvorkajiks backpack had NO WHITE on it anywhere. it is khaki. the trim the bag, the straps. no white. his hat is white.
this is why women don't let men help decorate things. NO WHITE.

did you watch the video? certainly wasn't light grey. the BLACK bag is right there on his hip. i even gave you a seperate picture (see link reply#130) of it. there were 2 bags dvorkjavik was carrying.
As far as I know the lighter one was not dropped at the scene and has not been found unless it's the same as the one found in his room, the one with spent fireworks. I don't have that image in my collection. Anyways the one in photo above would be the one that caused the bright spot in David Green's actual photo (not the FBI version).
Dhzokar only has one mostly white backpack.
It's a little darker shade of white than his hat, more like a light gray. But it's nothing near black, that's for sure.
well whatever colour you want to call it, its not white enough to cause the white blob in that pic. I found a clear photo from reddit and the bricks look ok. if they were gonna fake it they would have just superimposed him on a new building. so then I did a side by side and if you note his hat, the mit letters on the guys sweat shirt and the womans wrist.. theres no way the 'grey' backpack could have made a blob that bright.

Plus, look at his elbow he would have to be swinging around HARD for the backpack on his right shoulder to fly up that far and out. dzorf.jpg dz2.jpg newdz.jpg

you can also see the photo sharpening in Front of dzorks face as well as the base of the lamppost.
with live tv and a thousand cell phones snapping pics I doubt they purposefully edited out the backpack.

as far as the 2 bags.
1. its possible he put down both bags and the second bag didn't detonate OR the second bag was like a signal booster? <im totally making that up.
2. the police know it was the lighter bag that exploded and they are withholding the information to weed out the crackpots. im sure they got a lot of those in this case. Police often withhold pieces of info so if people make fake confessions they can tell if they are lying.

But if you ever find yourself set up by the government, I suggest you don't shoot a security guard, hijack a car and engage in a shootout with police. it tends to make you look guilty.
Not true- You have the eyewitness account of the guy who got his legs blown off and the first things he said when he woke after surgery was that he saw who did it- said the guy put the backpack down right next to him - and helped draw a sketch.

When Jeff Bauman looked Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the face, he knew something wasn’t quite right. Tsarnaev, then an anonymous man in a cap, sunglasses and backpack, seemed out of place. He was alone, and he wasn’t looking down the road to see the Boston Marathon runners pass by like the rest of the crowd.
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Also- as Cairenn mentioned you have the account of the owner of the hi-jacked car who said they told him they did it.

Or course, there is also the admission from Dzhokhar himself...

But "proof" is for a court of law not internet speculators.
And the 'Eye Witnesses' who saw the attack that say they saw the explosions come from trash cans?
And the 'Eye Witnesses' who saw the attack that say they saw the explosions come from trash cans?
Could you post a link? Because this guy said the following:

A 27-year-old man whose legs were blown off by the Boston bombings reportedly helped FBI agents identify one of the suspects, saying the man looked him in the eye as he placed a bag filled with explosives at his feet.

Jeff Bauman was waiting for his girlfriend to cross the finish line just before 3 p.m. Monday when a man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket dropped a bag at Bauman's feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, told Bloomberg News.
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And the 'Eye Witnesses' who saw the attack that say they saw the explosions come from trash cans?
Heh, eyewitnesses only count when they follow the official narrative. Never mind the ones like you said who saw a trash can explode.
Could you post a link? Because this guy said the following:

A 27-year-old man whose legs were blown off by the Boston bombings reportedly helped FBI agents identify one of the suspects, saying the man looked him in the eye as he placed a bag filled with explosives at his feet.

Jeff Bauman was waiting for his girlfriend to cross the finish line just before 3 p.m. Monday when a man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket dropped a bag at Bauman's feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, told Bloomberg News.
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Different blast sites. Bauman was at the first blast site. The bomb in the trash can was the elusive second blast site with almost no footage or videos.
Excuse me?
What I'm saying is, you'll find quite often here people will use eyewitness accounts when it supports the official narrative. Accounts like the folks who claimed the bomb was in a trash can will be swept away as being obviously not true. Don't ask why, that's the way it works.
What I'm saying is, you'll find quite often here people will use eyewitness accounts when it supports the official narrative. Accounts like the folks who claimed the bomb was in a trash can will be swept away as being obviously not true. Don't ask why, that's the way it works.

Any proof of this? No.
Different blast sites. Bauman was at the first blast site. The bomb in the trash can was the elusive second blast site with almost no footage or videos.
They have video and photographic evidence of him dropping the bag at the second site, they just haven't released it yet because it is evidence in the court case.
Here is the criminal complaint, for the third time in this thread.
What I'm saying is, you'll find quite often here people will use eyewitness accounts when it supports the official narrative. Accounts like the folks who claimed the bomb was in a trash can will be swept away as being obviously not true. Don't ask why, that's the way it works.
Lol is this Agenda the Official Agenda of Meta Bunk? To sweep evidence away at the discretion of your opinion?
Lol is this Agenda the Official Agenda of Meta Bunk? To sweep evidence away at the discretion of your opinion?

You said the explosions, plural, came from trash cans without providing any evidence. I provided a link which was in contradiction to your statement for one of the explosions. It seems it is you who is anxious to sweep evidence away which does not support your theories. What is you theory anyway? That this was staged? Oh, I'm sure you're just asking questions.

They have video and photographic evidence of him dropping the bag at the second site, they just haven't released it yet because it is evidence in the court case.
Here is the criminal complaint, for the third time in this thread.
So they have evidence unreleased.. But the evidence I have just posted, the testimony of eye witnesses AT THE SCENE.. That is disregarded.? Why? Because it's not part of the 'Official Narrative'?
So they have evidence unreleased.. But the evidence I have just posted, the testimony of eye witnesses AT THE SCENE.. That is disregarded.? Why? Because it's not part of the 'Official Narrative'?
Who says investigators are disregarding eyewitness testimony?
You said the explosions, plural, came from trash cans without providing any evidence. I provided a link which was in contradiction to your statement for one of the explosions. It seems it is you who is anxious to sweep evidence away which does not support your theories. What is you theory anyway? That this was staged? Oh, I'm sure you're just asking questions.
If the trash can exploded why is it still there? Undamaged no less!


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The video is wrong. That was not "sawdust." Those were actual people with actual injuries. If they were actors, does that mean my friend who works at one of the hospitals is "lying" and "in on it?"
The point is the trash cans. Not the mans following belief. That comes later.
Since the trash can is clearly still there and not damaged then any blast that came from it would have been contained for the most part. The openings to the can would funnel the blast out and any injuries would be higher up on a persons body. The majority of the injuries were to the lower extremities. How exactly do peoples legs get blown off if the bomb was in the still intact trash can?

I showed evidence for one (the first) not being in a garbage can. Where in the video you posted (please provide time stamps) does it say the first explosion came from a garbage can. Since the video you posted is bent on "proving" the bombs were a fake I only looked at a portion. Calm down NZF.