The Wrong Colored Backpack

As far as I know the lighter one was not dropped at the scene and has not been found unless it's the same as the one found in his room, the one with spent fireworks. I don't have that image in my collection. Anyways the one in photo above would be the one that caused the bright spot in David Green's actual photo (not the FBI version).
hey. I cant find the original photo I saw where the bag is black, the strap across his front was black. it was a series of 3 or 4 where they were clear and watching the runners.
BUT maybe based on (the red image backside) what I saw was the lower front strap and back of the 'grey' backpack? its not grey, it is khaki, although ogio calls the color Eco. it does look greyish in a lot of online photos. the reason I knew it was khaki (from the video etc) is cause I paint a lot with olive colors and I know how weird they can be in the light, the yellow reacts weird. Still a khaki bag would not have caused that light blob, it cant reflect color that extremely.

pretty sure this is the bag (the khaki one, called Kirby) and I assume the back could be like the back of the similar model? all black. anyway the pants pic is most closely what I believe the actual real life color probably is, the backpack looks a bit dark due to lighting. but you see that darkness nicely in the video at 13 secs.

ogiokhaki.JPG back ogio.jpg khakipants.JPG

actually my pics here lost a bit of their green hue that they have on my computer. ; /
oh I also saw this but didn't look up what it is..was under bombing photos. the back of these ogio bags say TPE backing which I foget the name thermoplastic something. apparently when heated it liquefies? could this be dvorkajiks backpack? backpack2.jpg
Surely not unless it has been moved.

[edit: Where in the crime scene could that image be from?]
[edit: Found it. It is to the right of the right window.]
yea that looks exactly like it. the white shopping bag to the left of the 'bag'? . this must be commonly known by now. and that could very very well be khaki. the green hue I see in dzorha (whats his name?) shots.
What exactly are you trying to get at?
Jahar was at the second bomb site. The photos in the last few posts were all from the first bomb site.
Jahar had one backpack. He is described as only having one backpack and is described as being seen leaving that one backpack at the second bomb site. There's no mention of a second backpack, and the single photo of him leaving shows no backpack on him.
It's pretty cut and dry.
hers another 'shopping' image of the same back pack where it looks more grey like the bomb photo closeup.ogio.jpg
What exactly are you trying to get at?
Jahar was at the second bomb site. The photos in the last few posts were all from the first bomb site.
ah. wasn't making any point, just trying to find a second backpack. I guess I misread the thread and thought it was determined the pic in original post was Tamerlans backpack. (Which is why i never looked at it full scale)

But if the one above is Tamerlans (first site), then obviously this IS dvorks backpack. the straps are identical to dvorks backpack. dvorksbackpack2.JPG

so we have pics of both backpacks, whats the point of this thread? or wondering what the light blob on that guys cell phone is?
so we have pics of both backpacks, whats the point of this thread?
I do not think your image is of Tamerlan's exploded backpack, although it could easily be mistaken as such.

Here are some earlier images of the same position.


Your image is probably just a pile of rubbish collected after the forensic investigation had taken place?
it does look like an exploded backpack though. the lining frayed etc (exploded from the inside). but it would be odd for them to move it ever, was wondering what the extention cord was.
still the other one from the original post does match dvorkah's exactly. remember it is NOT white. there are no "white markings" etc.

I think bad computer graphics are what's throwing people. and talking about "white" areas. the only white areas are the fill/foam.

brightening and darkening my monitor didn't help but when I opened my gimp and enhanced the color SATURATION (only) it is much easier to see the Khaki exterior. and the strap. its a fairly unique strap.

the labeled one is the original photo.

second pic is enhanced/color saturation in Gimp. and then I labeled stuff to make it easier to see. lets see if the color remains when I upload this : )

[edit] one nice thing with your sets of photos is it shows nicely how different color can look due to lighting or the camera. in closeup the bottom of the wall is very pink and inother shots it is light brown.
backpacklabeled.jpg dzorksbackpackenhanced.jpg
It (the black thing in the middle) almost looks like some type of glove, the type that has reinforcement/rubber on the fingers/palms. The more white thing to the right, the piece that has stitching on it. Looks like part of a shoe. :/ Possibly the tongue. Then again they could be anything and either important or meaningless.
skeptic. the whole thing looks like a backpack. I don't see anything that resembles a glove or a tongue from a shoe. are you using a computer monitor or a phone?
qed I don't know what you mean by inverse.


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In the FBI tagged image the straps are dark on the outside and light in the middle, while in the image of the Dzhorkar walking, the straps are light on the outside and dark in the middle.

So I don't think these are the same backpacks. So the FBI image must be Tamerlan's backpack.
this looks like a little man doll in a black suit, lying face down except he's lost his head and one shoe. (see his little white sock?)doll.JPG

while in the image of the Dzhorkar walking, the straps are light on the outside and dark in the middle.

the canvas is khaki trimmed with dark black. the edging of the strap is much blacker than his jacket. thats what i'm saying your graphics must be different from mine.

that black line in the middle is odd. its not part of the backpack because its not straight in comparison to the left side edging(black). its Very thin. I don't think its a camera strap ( I couldn't see a camera in any other photo) although it is angled like a camera strap would be

. dvorks backpack is actually an older model of the Kirby pack I posted but the old version I cant find a pic but the straps are built the same..with black edging.

if you really want to be confused you should check out some front shots of his bag. theres no edging on the lower part of the strap. ; )


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that's what I originally thought except it really looks like the other strap is handing off the left side. we see mostly the underside of that strap. and from the way the bag hangs on his back it looks like a one strap hang?
I sharpened it and the middle black is the EXACT same black as the edging. two straps on the shoulder make more sense as far as weight. but I don't know what im seeing to the left of the bag. xx.jpg
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good catch. so that isn't the strap its the side of the side pocket probably. I was wondering how the TPE could withstand the heat if that was the bomb compartment. i would think the straps would survive but wouldve been blown off since they were attached right on the back near the bomb. plus the fill looked so clean. it could still be an innocent bystander backpack piece but that color and trim work aren't real common. esp. in the North east. you'll have to scan the crowd.

[edit] based on the seam where the filling was (where I wrote 'top') I don't think it could be a camera case but maybe look for those too.
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I sharpened it and the middle black is the EXACT same black as the edging. two straps on the shoulder make more sense as far as weight. but I don't know what im seeing to the left of the bag. xx.jpg
At first I thought a smaller bag under the other, but the area to the left of the big bag is probably the other strap, he's only got the right strap over his shoulder and the other's hanging down.
This is the bag before and immediately after the explosion.

These images were released at the same time as the above FBI image. Unfortunately, the immediately after images have been redacted at the site of the explosion.
Does anyone have the original?

[edit: The bag we are tracking is blown to the bottom right.]
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I believe the circle around the bag was made by someone on the internet. These are screen caps from a news report and nothing that has been officially released as the bag that exploded.

Adding... It's not even the same color. It goes from silver/black on his back to white/tan on the ground then back to silver/black after it explodes? o_O
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Here is a image of him with what appears to be his backpack on the ground.

Adding.. I didn't put the circles. The blue circle is Martin Richard. I believe Krystle Cambell is three over to the right in the image, the red circle is going over her face.
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In the post above the bag is placed on the metal grate that surrounds the tree. The FBI released photos of bomb fragments on the grate.
They also removed the tree and part of the metal grate.
Tree/grate there.
Tree gone and part of grate has been cut away. You can see the dirt.
Here is a image of him with what appears to be his backpack on the ground.

Adding.. I didn't put the circles. The blue circle is Martin Richard. I believe Krystle Cambell is three over to the right in the image, the red circle is going over her face.
You are correct about that being Martin Richard, but Krystle Campbell was at the other blast site.
we know (well the non conspiracy people know) his backpack was there. the issue (for the conspiracy theorists) is, is that a piece of dzorkah's backpack?

the only way to argue its not dzorkahs backpack (since it does match features of dzorkah's) is to find an alternative explanation for what it is. like the bag next to Martins sister. I don't see IT in any after photos with the forensic guys etc. where did it go? I don't see any similar trim work on that bag though.
we know (well the non conspiracy people know) his backpack was there. the issue (for the conspiracy theorists) is, is that a piece of dzorkah's backpack?.
This is just my speculation but unless the photos have some type of marker (number tag) or one of the measuring sticks next to an item it isn't an officially released image from the FBI.
I doubt the fbi officially released anything except the photos of them for the man hunt. police don't willy nilly releases stuff. I figure a press person snapped the photo. and just because the police mark something doesn't mean anything, they could just be being thorough. site2gone.jpg
I doubt the fbi officially released anything except the photos of them for the man hunt. police don't willy nilly releases stuff. I figure a press person snapped the photo. and just because the police mark something doesn't mean anything, they could just be being thorough.
Just pointing out that anything that did get photographed by the FBI would have some type of identifying marker/number so it can get filed into evidence properly. And yes they would have photographed probably everything on the ground, even if it didn't have any importance later they got a photo of it just in case.
There is this report of the photos being leaked. That still doesn't make the black bag part of the bomb. Just leaked photo of a torn bag. Nothing official.
Judging from the way one of the barricades was bent (as seen in aftermath photos and video) it must have been on the sidewalk with the spectators.