Debunking Humor...

It's a weird anomaly that comes up sometimes when you report states before they've finished reporting (note it's only 44% in at this point) and without sanitizing the raw data they give you - when a county is partially reported, some of them may not report total votes, but still report tallies per candidate because the media loves those numbers. So if you just take the feed's raw data for votes reported and votes tallied per candidate, the total votes tallied can exceed votes reported because you're missing some numbers for the total.

For the election itself, it'll work itself out because none of this live media feed is official anyway and all that matters is the final numbers the counties report, which this won't happen with. For TV, most news channels know enough to fix their data, but there's always that rush to be the first one with something - ANYTHING - on the screen, because even if you screw it up, the viewers can't unwatch that commercial break you sprung on them abruptly. And everybody gets the real numbers eventually anyway and any mistakes can be quietly ignored.
Yes, this is understood. The reason of this meme trending now in Russian networks is that a similar glitch in a Russian poll intermediate report a few years ago (with a total of percentages being 146%) was claimed by the opposition as evidence of the poll results having been falsified. As the '146%' meme is still strong, many pro-Kremlin and anti-american bloggers grasped this opportunity to hit back.
I'm still puzzled by how the original Florida poll image, if it's not fake, went directly to the Russian media, missing Western outlets.:confused:
I'm still puzzled by how the original Florida poll image, if it's not fake, went directly to the Russian media, missing Western outlets
not sure why the west would bother posting it. Conservatives were posting it on social media though.

your Russian link is 3/20 but the site they got it from posted it 3/18

and on twitter 3/18
not sure why the west would bother posting it. Conservatives were posting it on social media though.
Thank you for more western links. I thought that the only one I managed to find previously could be a boomerang. Now I'm reassured about the craziness in the World being distributed more evenly :)
Thank you for more western links. I thought that the only one I managed to find previously could be a boomerang. Now I'm reassured about the craziness in the World being distributed more evenly :)
Florid[a] was also the "dimple" state. Not sure if that plays into anything though. Remember the Gore/Bush fiasco :)
Florid[a] was also the "dimple" state. Not sure if that plays into anything though. Remember the Gore/Bush fiasco :)
I don't think it has anything to do with here. I've seen it in Michigan elections, too. What I posted before was an explanation I read on mLive a few years ago when they had #DIV/0! for votes cast in a couple counties.

There's another part of garbage in/garbage out. If the data in is good, but the process is garbage, the output is garbage.

That Free Republic link is hilarious. Do they seriously think the percentage error could somehow make 330,000 a bigger number than 780,000? Because percentages never matter, it's the tally. Or that fraudulent votes can be identified to not count in the percentage but are still tallied in the totals?

"You don't have to be a pilot to fly in the RAF" they said

So, you can imagine my absolute shock and dismay at being arrested, handcuffed and frogmarched at gunpoint away from the cockpit of one of their Eurofighters before I could even find the start button! :mad:
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Sounds like Seven-of-Nine just discovered the internet (4.0)

"The Voyager Conspiracy"

"The Voyager Conspiracy" owes much to the Chris Carter school of storytelling. The main idea is that if you take enough facts and somehow jam them together, you get a big, messy, far-fetched conspiracy theory that has just enough plausibility (maybe) to arouse suspicions but not enough to provide anything resembling a convincing argument. This is Voyager jumping aboard the X-Files conspiracy bandwagon.
The key to the game is Seven of Nine, who at the episode's outset is testing a new processing device that allows her to assimilate database information at great speeds—sort of a Borg "learn while you sleep" procedure, as Paris points out. In an early scene, we see this device allows Seven to quickly draw incisive conclusions from many seemingly unrelated facts, as she confidently dismantles the Mystery of the Photonic Fleas. My only question: What the heck is a photonic flea, and how does it eat plasma? (Okay, two questions.)
Content from External Source
Leifer said:
My only question: What the heck is a photonic flea, and how does it eat plasma? (Okay, two questions.)
The facepalm moment in an otherwise great episode, just to let you know you're still watching Voyager and didn't catch a DS9 rerun or something.

"Photonic" is the term for Star Trek's fancy tactile holograms, just to drive home how stupid it sounds in context.
This is what most people hear when we try to explain complex ideas to seemingly simple issues.. Ladies and Gents, the Rockwell Turbo Encabulator:

And the "How to sell stuff" version that's created our current Corporate World speak:

Goldfinger was on TV this weekend and I thought of you (MB).

ETA: and as I peruse FB this morning, I'm met with....

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I could swear "laying down" makes you a bigger target when from bullets rain from above.
Perhaps...disperse ?
I thought "dropping" was for vertical fire.
(though dropping is useful with dropped ordinance.)

...but I was never in the I may not know.
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It's quite possible you "drop" automatically, assuming a bombing run is under way (safest position) that is recommended ?
I just debunked myself, I
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Goldfinger was on TV this weekend and I thought of you (MB).

Wait......just realized, the film suggests they all dropped immediately because of a sprayed gas. How stupid.

I didn't expect the stupidness, so I missed it
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I could swear "laying down" makes you a bigger target when from bullets rain from above.
Perhaps...disperse ?
I thought "dropping" was for vertical fire.
(though dropping is useful with dropped ordinance.)

...but I was never in the I may not know.

When I was in they used to teach us to lay down in a line and shoot straight up to make a "wall of bullets" that the aircraft has to fly through. The idea being that it's more likely they would run into some than you hitting them if you're shooting at them. Not sure if that's still the thinking, as this was about 20 years ago.
Happy little chemtrails.


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Wait......just realized, the film suggests they all dropped immediately because of a sprayed gas. How stupid.

I didn't expect the stupidness, so I missed it
Can't be real chemtrails tho - the gas is invisible.......

Other than that....the countdown reminds me of Thunderbirds intro, and the women flying of UFO/Space 1999 interceptor pilots :D
Don't fight like this, it always ends up like the script .....but, you'll always get your ass kicked.
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