Debunking Humor...

Wait......just realized, the film suggests they all dropped immediately because of a sprayed gas. How stupid.

I didn't expect the stupidness, so I missed it
although to be fair, if I remember the film, Bond had switched the gas for something harmless or they took an antidote or something cos they were all just pretending. They got up and fought a little later on.
Not so sure, there is SOME scientific evidence that links pregnancy and SEX. :eek:
what did you think? that the Church or the government sends out a telegraph to the stork whenever someone gets married? no. Storks have supersonic hearing and there are 'certain sounds' that alert them to bring a kid. :p
mermaids are mammals. hence the breasts. the stork brings the babies.
.....we are so under-represented.

© nobody (from the New York Public Library)
(interesting this print.....she's holding a snake)

Merman rights !!

In Greek mythology, mermen were often illustrated to have green seaweed-like hair, a beard, and a trident. In Irish mythology, mermen (see merrow) are described as extremely ugly creatures with green hair, teeth and skin, narrow eyes and a red nose.[3] In Medieval Europe, mermen were sometimes held responsible for causing violent storms and sinking ships
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Most of that's true about the US, too, except the Supermarket one. I think just about everybody's moved the pharmacy to the front of the store these days. Which from a loss prevention standpoint, actually doesn't make sense - you want those expensive, low markup, easily pocketed items as far from the exits as you can and you stuff the front of the store with cheap items with crazy markups so even when five get stolen, the three you sold make up for it.
My Indiegogo idea....a free-energy breakthrough...
and you could always feed the dog a mixture of out of date meat and meat products blended with beans and other legumes for an extra boost of power. Maybe capture the gases for combustion for yet more power and heating...

(I want 20% of the profits for that idea)
Driving today with Waze on the windscreen and political discussion on the radio. The politician is assuring us that as per regulations the public was engaged widely. "OK", the presenter sighs, "What does engage mean?". Google pops up and says "Engage. Occupy or attract someone's interest". Truly.


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This is 100% genuine, I've just logged onto facebook to find this friend request...

omg spam resquest.jpg

Have their been changes at Anfield I've not noticed?
Can I upload my dreams to "the cloud" ?
....the relation seems connected.
Perhaps I'll tether to the computer, using that mysterious unused USB port I just found in the back of my head.
Really cool movie, but was referring more to this:

Im a fan of Tom Scott and he's done some really cool though experiments imagining what the world will be like with technology going the way its going.

yes I have often thought that IF copyright holders could find a mechanism to prevent you from remembering a film/song unless some form of payment was made - they would