Debunking Humor...

I was tempted to put this into the MH370 "speculation" thread, but that might have been a bit insensitive. Maybe it's too soon after this tragedy, but..well, I thought it was funny:

Favorite line:
"...CNN has been, much like our Native American ancestors, using every part of the tragedy..."
This might be way, way wrong in terms of "debunking" anything, but is so cute and funny, I had to share. I love limericks.

('tis the Irish in me!)

"An impetuous young couple named 'Kelly'
are now forced to walk belly to belly.

Because, in their haste
they used library paste

Instead of petroleum jelly."


Also, bonus: (and not mine, but from a very, very obscure Sci-Fi movie from the 70s) EDIT: PM me for the link... :)

"There once was a man from Hodge
who had seatbelts installed in his Dodge.

He strapped his date in, and
committed a sin

Without ever leaving the garage."
This isnt really 'humor' per sey, but it is kind of ironic.. and kinda neat.


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This isnt really 'humor' per sey, but it is kind of ironic.. and kinda neat.

Oh yes, that is a particular favourite of mine ( or, 'favorite'...the American spelling... :rolleyes: And, yes, I'm originally American. But it seems that historically the added "u" is more accurate, when looking at the provenance of the language).
Oh yes, that is a particular favourite of mine ( or, 'favorite'...the American spelling... :rolleyes: And, yes, I'm originally American. But it seems that historically the added "u" is more accurate, when looking at the provenance of the language).

I lived in Canada for almost a decade.. never could get used to Favourite, Humour, Cheque... or saying Zed. lol
it's not cheque? huh. according to spell check its not. I thought a cheque was a cheque and a check was a check. ; )

Or, a "Czech"!

OLD, and a 'groaner' joke from my airline days.

"What do you call it when a Czech airliner makes a bad landing?

A 'Bounced Czech' ".

(Told you it was bad....)
Is this Quantum physics? a bit like Schrodinger's cat. It is in both and up AND a down position until such time as one observes it and thus collapses the probability wave form, fixing it into the position which is the opposite of the way you hoped it would be., thus forcing you into one last twist round.

either that or USB sticks are some kind of weird perverts who get off on being twisted round and repeatedly jabbed at a hole without actually going in it. When you look it straight in the "eye" it gets all embarrassed and stops squirming round in your hand.
Is this Quantum physics? a bit like Schrodinger's cat. It is in both and up AND a down position until such time as one observes it and thus collapses the probability wave form, fixing it into the position which is the opposite of the way you hoped it would be., thus forcing you into one last twist round.

either that or USB sticks are some kind of weird perverts who get off on being twisted round and repeatedly jabbed at a hole without actually going in it. When you look it straight in the "eye" it gets all embarrassed and stops squirming round in your hand.
