Debunking Humor...

My very good old friend, DJ Harmless Prankster made this one up yesterday after some fun we had on FB with some conspiracy theorist, its pretty cool and I hope it goes viral.

conspiracy conspiracies.jpg
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OK...."Rusty Far Eye" has brought a boat-load of excellent examples, and buried back a bit is one about water. Now...this may or may not be appropriate, (since it's a video...albeit short, and easy to digest), but it is one that I have found particularly humourous on the subject of the "evil chemical",
Di-Hydrogen Monoxide:

(Mild language warning)
OK...."Rusty Far Eye" has brought a boat-load of excellent examples, and buried back a bit is one about water. Now...this may or may not be appropriate, (since it's a video...albeit short, and easy to digest), but it is one that I have found particularly humourous on the subject of the "evil chemical",
Di-Hydrogen Monoxide:

(Mild language warning)

I was almost going to post some of those old ones also, I thought it was an awesome prank 25 years ago and I have been enjoying it getting a rerun again. DHMO bottle.jpg dhmo kills.gif
and I thought you might like this old one also.
tin foil room.jpg
I don't condone violence, but I kinda wish this guy had gone the extra yard. Some may not think this particularly humorous but I do enjoy the "reporter's" squirming as more take notice (warning very strong language).....

.....and this is just delightful (it repeats, just watch the first 20 seconds)......

He showed more self-restraint that I would have been able to muster...


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