• MH370 speculation has become excessive recently. Metabunk is not a forum for creating theories by speculation. It's a forum for examining claims, and seeing if they hold up. Please respect this and keep threads on-topic. There are many other forums where speculation is welcome.

Flight MH370 Speculation

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I agree but I didnt see no YouTube videos blaming Blackholes as with CNN s speculation .

<Grin> There probably are some...hang on...similar:

Or this bloke...not a "hole", but just hours after the news was announced, on 7 March, he posted this and already had his "speculation" started:

Does any one think its a bit odd that they haven't found any of the debri they've seen from satellite images for the past 10 days or so. With modern technology, charts of the currents both on the surface and below the surface. How convenient would it be to locate debri via satellite but never ever have conformation of it on the surface to fuel CTs. With a debri field that large, 122 pieces or so, why wasn't it seen in earlier satellite images if they've been combing through the same area for over a week now. Satellite images can see hundreds of thousands of square miles at a time. Also, why hasn't the US provided any leads. We have the most sophisticated technology in the world and a hell of a lot more satellites than anyone else. Its not like we need to hide our satellites since each of their locations is common knowledge (not talking about secret spy satellites).
Does any one think its a bit odd that they haven't found any of the debri they've seen from satellite images for the past 10 days or so. With modern technology, charts of the currents both on the surface and below the surface. How convenient would it be to locate debri via satellite but never ever have conformation of it on the surface to fuel CTs. With a debri field that large, 122 pieces or so, why wasn't it seen in earlier satellite images if they've been combing through the same area for over a week now. Satellite images can see hundreds of thousands of square miles at a time. Also, why hasn't the US provided any leads. We have the most sophisticated technology in the world and a hell of a lot more satellites than anyone else. Its not like we need to hide our satellites since each of their locations is common knowledge (not talking about secret spy satellites).

Have you ever been to sea? I did as a very young man, with my dad, and trying to spot something flat, and possibly just under the surface is extremely challenging to say the least. It is very rare that the sea is flat in some parts and often on relatively calm days chops can be 6ft high.
Apparently they have spotted an additional *300 items also by satellite, but visibility was very poor today and possibly for the next 24 hours. Bad for finding wreckage both from ship and plane.

If there is such a large quantity of floating debris, they must have come down pretty hard.
If there is such a large quantity of floating debris, they must have come down pretty hard.
When air france went down over the atlantic ocean, there was only an oil slick from its jet fuel, one seat, a barrel, orange buoy, and electrical conductor spotted, and I'm sure that plane went down pretty hard as well considering;
The flight data recordings stopped at 02:14:28 UTC, or 3 hours 45 minutes after takeoff. At that point, the aircraft's ground speed was 107 knots, and it was descending at 10,912 feet per minute. Its pitch was 16.2 degrees (nose up), with a roll angle of 5.3 degrees left. During its descent, the aircraft had turned more than 180 degrees to the right to a compass heading of 270 degrees. The aircraft remained stalled during its entire 3 minute 30 second descent from 38,000 feet[30] before it hit the ocean surface at a speed of 151 knots (280 km/h), comprising vertical and horizontal components of both 107 knots. The aircraft broke up on impact; everyone on board died, presumably instantaneously.[31]
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10000 ft per minute is pretty fast and there was almost nothing left of the plane. So maybe this plane landed on the water, or cart wheeled making the damage more spread out
Here's an interesting lil bite I found.. never heard of the website before, so Im not sure if its something like The Onion, or if its being serious.. worth a chuckle and a look though:

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*P.S. Contains videos, hence the link and not just c/p.
Website's called "Before it's News"
Yep, I kinda figured.. but when you scroll down and check the comments, you can see some pretty funny troll attempts and others with people taking it absolutely seriously. Hence the chuckle comment and the confusion on the site's point lol. It's a pretty well crafted off the wall conspiracy layout, even if it is just for lulz.
Have you ever been to sea? I did as a very young man, with my dad, and trying to spot something flat, and possibly just under the surface is extremely challenging to say the least. It is very rare that the sea is flat in some parts and often on relatively calm days chops can be 6ft high.
Does any one think its a bit odd that they haven't found any of the debri they've seen from satellite images for the past 10 days or so. With modern technology, charts of the currents both on the surface and below the surface. How convenient would it be to locate debri via satellite but never ever have conformation of it on the surface to fuel CTs. With a debri field that large, 122 pieces or so, why wasn't it seen in earlier satellite images if they've been combing through the same area for over a week now. Satellite images can see hundreds of thousands of square miles at a time. Also, why hasn't the US provided any leads. We have the most sophisticated technology in the world and a hell of a lot more satellites than anyone else. Its not like we need to hide our satellites since each of their locations is common knowledge (not talking about secret spy satellites).
Known facts about MH370. Every angle has been looked at and every theory has been voiced. The speculation going on in the press at this point in time is shameful and sometimes disgusting. It went to 45k ft. - not confirmed. It dropped to 12k ft. - not confirmed. It turned right, it turned left - neither confirmed. The crew/someone turned off the transponder - not confirmed. The eye witnesses in the Maldives didn't see a jumbo jet - not confirmed. The "new" math says the aircraft went down in the southern Indian ocean - not confirmed. The plane took off and disappeared – confirmed and that’s about the only fact. Even the military radar experts haven't stated they are 100% sure the aircraft they tracked was MH370. I think I'm going to just quietly hang out until they actually find and confirm that they have a piece of the aircraft. Show me the wreckage! BTW - it was the Americans that suggested on day four (or five) that the search should be moved to the southern Indian Ocean.
Ne'er a truer word spoken and I salute this attitude.

Inmarsat spokesman...

The reluctance to discuss details, he says, is to minimise misleading noise: "The blogosphere is full of rumours, innuendo, supposition that will take the slightest bit of information and turn it into conjecture. I can only imagine how wounding and damaging and chaotic that is to those people who have potentially lost loved ones. So we are trying to restrict our information to channelling it through the investigation."
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Coincident with what?

The flight number was 370. Depending on where you were in the world the flight took place on 03/07(see already not perfect sequence). 37 degrees South, 91.1 degrees East is not too far from the suspected crash site, relatively speaking. Although the plane likely flew more to the South. 3.7 degrees North/South 9.11 degrees West/East is out of range.

All of this is not to be taken seriously, I was reading the earlier post about the bus with 370 on it and then Gregor's post about America moving the search to the SIO after 4(5) days, which made me think of 911. So my post was just a quick response to that. They likely moved it there, because they had the satellite ping information and the lack of radar contact in the northern corridor.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/malays...tential-objects-sighted-in-new-area-1.2589639. It seems the 122 objects seen by satellite weren't from flight 370 after all. New date puts the plane about 1100 miles north east of that search area now since they believe the plane flew faster than originally considered which means the plane ran out of fuel earlier as well. I'm starting to get the distinct feeling that they have no idea where this plane is. Obviously the doppler shift isn't an exact science in these types of situations, so this isn't looking good for the missing plane. I guess its hard for them to just say "We have no idea where this plane could've went down". I think its safe to assume since 20 days has elapsed that the odds of find this plane are dwindling by the day. I would restrict the search to satellites and ships that sail through these waters, instead of wasting millions of dollars searching aimlessly in the huge expanse of the South Indian Ocean.
They probably want to keep searching because of the implications of not finding out what happened to this aircraft. This is one of the most advanced aircraft in the world and its just disappeared. That begs at least some explanation backed up by solid evidence.
then there is the factor of the survivors of the people on board. They may well riot in Bejing if the official search is called off. I think China would be pressing to continue.
They will continue at least until the last hope of the FDR/CVR broadcasting its locator ping.
Besides we pay for all these people and all this equipment. If all they ever do is 'maneuvers' the public will cut the budget. which is bad for the economy ; )
Besides we pay for all these people and all this equipment. If all they ever do is 'maneuvers' the public will cut the budget. which is bad for the economy ; )
How can the public cut their budget? Are you talking about the US because I doubt the other countries involved even listen to the public, nor does the public have any say in how those government(s) conduct their business or how their government(s) spend their tax dollars...

I'm thinking it's a waste of money to keep everyone on this wild goose chase just for global perception. With all of the satellites we have in earth's orbit why can't we, and all this talk of the US government having satellites that can see the license plate of a car, to using infrared satellites to see the interior of a home to identify possible targets. So can't we use our eyes in the skies to canvass the Indian Ocean, instead of sending and spending all the money on wasted searches.

Honestly, it still sounds like they have no idea where the hell this plane went down. It seems like the Malaysian government could've rushed Inmarat for some kind of results to get the media off of their butts. Thats where I think they are being foolish, sending everyone to the wrong locations, time and time again. This is like the 4th or 5th location since the plane disappeared.
Using those satellites is a LOT more complicated and expensive than you think. 99% of the sattelites in orbit are privately owned.. meaning companies own them not governments. In order to use them you have to move them from their current orbit put them where you need them and out them back... all while taking into account all the others in orbit.. and then pitting it back. While that satellite is being used the company that owns it loses money... guess who pays them for their time? Taxpayers.

Governments do have their own but if its being used for their own missions then governments aren't going to take the expense to move them back and forth.. and they're certainly not going to use satellites that are earmarked for classified projects and missions.

It sounds simple to use them but in practice... not so much
How can the public cut their budget? Are you talking about the US

I'm thinking it's a waste of money to keep everyone on this wild goose chase just for global perception. With all of the satellites we have in earth's orbit why can't we, and all this talk of the US government having satellites that can see the license plate of a car, to using infrared satellites to see the interior of a home to identify possible targets. So can't we use our eyes in the skies to canvass the Indian Ocean, instead of sending and spending all the money on wasted searches.

yea im talking about democratic countries. Not only are satellites more complicated than we think, to find a license plate you need to know Exactly where to look. If they knew exactly where to look maybe the satellites could help.

I don't think its for global perception, I think they want to find out what happened to the plane. we spend thousands and thousands 'rescuing'/looking for the 'less smart' from mountains and all sorts of stuff they get themselves into. its what humans do.
...to find a license plate you need to know Exactly where to look.

AND, I would presume, when it involves a license plate....that plate would need to be lying flat, and not mounted on a car or truck bumper in a vertical orientation, if it were to be visible from a satellite in orbit.

Not to be difficult here, just a realist I guess....
Using those satellites is a LOT more complicated and expensive than you think. 99% of the sattelites in orbit are privately owned.. meaning companies own them not governments. In order to use them you have to move them from their current orbit put them where you need them and out them back.
You're right and I get that its expensive to move satellites around, and not only is it expensive alot of them go up with a specific amount of fuel to make orbital corrections so they don't come crashing back to earth in a fire ball.

But Inmarat did move an older 90's satellite into position to hear the handshakes or "pings". Which is something I still don't understand til this day. If they had to position a satellite over the Indian Ocean to figure out the doppler shift of these handshakes, How exactly were they able to do this after the fact. Wouldn't the satellite have needed to be there at the moment these pings were sent out. I still don't understand that aspect of it
You're right and I get that its expensive to move satellites around, and not only is it expensive alot of them go up with a specific amount of fuel to make orbital corrections so they don't come crashing back to earth in a fire ball.

But Inmarat did move an older 90's satellite into position to hear the handshakes or "pings". Which is something I still don't understand til this day. If they had to position a satellite over the Indian Ocean to figure out the doppler shift of these handshakes, How exactly were they able to do this after the fact. Wouldn't the satellite have needed to be there at the moment these pings were sent out. I still don't understand that aspect of it
I'm guessing, but that might be referring to the 'test' planes they pinged after the fact...to better understand the data. I think these tests is how they were able to take the North arc out of consideration.
I think they want to find out what happened to the plane. we spend thousands and thousands 'rescuing'/looking for the 'less smart' from mountains and all sorts of stuff they get themselves into. its what humans do.
You're right Deirdre. I often wonder how many people in the world are trained for that very reason. How much tax dollars go into rescue teams that deal with people climbing mountains, rock climbing, parachuting, coast guard for dare devils on the ocean and surfers, avalanche rescue, fire rescue, and the list goes on and on.

The only reason why I feel its possibly global persception is because they were in a great deal of doo doo for not acting right away, for misleading the public and family members of lost ones. So I think it looks better if they say "the plane went down over here killing everyone on board", and they also conveyed to the public that their deaths were probably quick and painless. Thats better than the latter of them not having a freaking clue what happened. Thats what I meant.
I'm guessing, but that might be referring to the 'test' planes they pinged after the fact...to better understand the data. I think these tests is how they were able to take the North arc out of consideration.
Your probably right D, about the testing the pinging on other planes that flew similar routes. But if they are off by 1100 miles due northeast now because now they think the plane flew faster than previously thought which means they ran out of fuel quicker. This is what I mean by sounding incompetent on the authorities behalf
In order to use them you have to move them from their current orbit put them where you need them and out them back... all while taking into account all the others in orbit..

Just to chime in...anyone who saw the movie "Gravity" may have been enamored by the visual effects, and while there is some bit of scientific accuracy in that film, there is also some not so accurate....orbital mechanics.

Here is a (36-minute) instructional video to explain orbital mechanics, and also the forces involved in changing orbital parameters and inclination:

Don't worry, I have watched this many, many times in order to grasp the message. Doesn't make me an "expert" on the subject, but certainly helped me to diminish many misconceptions.
Just to chime in...anyone who saw the movie "Gravity" may have been enamored by the visual effects, and while there is some bit of scientific accuracy in that film, there is also some not so accurate....orbital mechanics.

Here is a (36-minute) instructional video to explain orbital mechanics, and also the forces involved in changing orbital parameters and inclination:
hhmm. (Thanks for introducing dV ...delta velocity...into my life! btw) that's what I'm saying, they can figure all this out but they cant figure out how to keep a circuit on safely? come on.
Just to chime in...anyone who saw the movie "Gravity" may have been enamored by the visual effects, and while there is some bit of scientific accuracy in that film, there is also some not so accurate....orbital mechanics.

Here is a (36-minute) instructional video to explain orbital mechanics, and also the forces involved in changing orbital parameters and inclination:

Don't worry, I have watched this many, many times in order to grasp the message. Doesn't make me an "expert" on the subject, but certainly helped me to diminish many misconceptions.

Are you a psychic WW. I just saw the movie less than a week ago with my 9yr old son. I thought the movie was awesome, and sorry for digressing. Great video explaining orbital elements. Thanks
Are you a psychic WW.

No. But I am glad to hear that you share with your children, that is nice. The film "Gravity" has some technical/factual errors, but the video that I posted (produced by NASA) is more accurate. If a little "dry", compared to a Hollywood Oscar nominee'....

I was a teen during Apollo 11. I wholeheartedly encourage all of the current youth to seek an education in the sciences, moving forward! Thumbs up!!
No. But I am glad to hear that you share with your children, that is nice. The film "Gravity" has some technical/factual errors, but the video that I posted (produced by NASA) is more accurate. If a little "dry", compared to a Hollywood Oscar nominee'....
LOL. Video is a bit "dry" but its kind of hard to discuss orbital elements with pizzazz, if you know what I mean.
Malaysia says the Boeing 777, which vanished less than an hour into a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, was likely diverted deliberately but investigators have turned up no apparent motive or other red flags among the 227 passengers or the 12 crew.

Malaysian officials said the new search area was the result of a painstaking analysis of Malaysian military radar data and satellite readings from British company Inmarsat carried out by US, Chinese, British and Malaysian investigators

Malaysia's civil aviation chief, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said at Friday's news conference he was "not at liberty" to give the exact path of the aircraft

Officials close to the investigation told Reuters last week that the plane may have passed close to Port Blair, the capital of India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 885 km further north-west from where Malaysia has said its military radar last detected it
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Does this sound deceptive to anyone else? Either they know or don't know the path?
Malaysia says the Boeing 777, which vanished less than an hour into a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, was likely diverted deliberately but investigators have turned up no apparent motive or other red flags among the 227 passengers or the 12 crew.

Malaysian officials said the new search area was the result of a painstaking analysis of Malaysian military radar data and satellite readings from British company Inmarsat carried out by US, Chinese, British and Malaysian investigators

Malaysia's civil aviation chief, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said at Friday's news conference he was "not at liberty" to give the exact path of the aircraft

Officials close to the investigation told Reuters last week that the plane may have passed close to Port Blair, the capital of India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 885 km further north-west from where Malaysia has said its military radar last detected it
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Does this sound deceptive to anyone else? Either they know or don't know the path?
This is the sort of thing that fuels CT's, and its unfortunate. Why in the world are the Malaysian authorities "not at liberty" to give the exact path? WTF, are freaking kidding me? Isn't the exact path of the aircraft kind of important to figuring out what could've possibly transpired on that flight? I've been saying this all along, I wonder if any of these people have any idea of where the plane went down. Now they got US, Chinese, British, and "thankfully" Malaysian investigators working hard at giving us information that is invalid the following day. Now they "suspect" the plane could've passed over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands which is further NorthWest. Seriously, this is just making them all look pretty silly and its frustrating for me, I could only imagine what the family members of the passengers are going through
I'm more suspicious of the Malaysian Air Force input than I am of the Inmarsat data.
AFAIK, the military never confirmed it was MH370 they tracked on radar.
And AFAICT it is this input that they're basing the new fuel usage/distance calculations within the Inmarsat corridor on.
Yeah this is pretty awful.

BEIJING - A Malaysian team have told relatives of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence that cannot be made public, as they came under fire from the angry relatives at a briefing on Wednesday.

The sealed evidence included air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings.
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