• MH370 speculation has become excessive recently. Metabunk is not a forum for creating theories by speculation. It's a forum for examining claims, and seeing if they hold up. Please respect this and keep threads on-topic. There are many other forums where speculation is welcome.

Flight MH370 Speculation

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Why? Not to seem flippant but...isn't it rather obvious? Any pilot could board an airplane totally nude and still know how to wreak havoc.
If we make exceptions for one then we must make exceptions for others. Everyone should get treated exactly the same. [...]

And off topic.
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And all of the people who board or are near aircraft should be checked by security too. Pilots included!
And who is checking on security?

Everyone should get treated exactly the same.
Leads to a bit of a paradox. Who Checks security...then who checks them...and them...and so on and so forth.
How far down does that rabbit hole go?
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It isn't an "exception" made for a working flight crew member! I fear that the extent of the already vulnerable "security" at most airports isn't understood by those not in the industry.

As a side anecdote: The only airport where I found the tightest security (except I suppose Tel Aviv, but I've never been there) was Agana, Guam. This was one that (at the time) was extremely nitpicky about every staff, whether ground or flight crew, when entering/exiting the AOA secure doors. The best security I've personally witnessed, and it's in Guam, of all places.
No system is going to be 100% fool proof, anyone who thinks it can be is delusional. Most of the complaining I see though amounts to nothing more than whining because someone saw me naked or I got my taint touched.
No system is going to be 100% fool proof, anyone who thinks it can be is delusional. Most of the complaining I see though amounts to nothing more than whining because someone saw me naked or I got my taint touched.
And you're fine with some stranger touching your taint?
I've said before, I bet most of the people who complain about airport security do so cause they can't take their drugs on vacation anymore.

Again off topic.
No system is going to be 100% fool proof...

I think as speculations go, we've made sure that horse was dead, dead. As far as pilots when in control of a commercial airliner? Well, if one snaps, this is nothing that can be foreseen. Same with a taxi driver (wasn't there a movie??), or a bus driver, etc.

Not to mention the thousands of military pilots, eh? Many fighters are single-pilot, right? There is a measure of trust that is implicit. And, no not 100% of course. ( "Dr. Strangelove" comes to mind.... ;) )
No system is going to be 100% fool proof, anyone who thinks it can be is delusional. Most of the complaining I see though amounts to nothing more than whining because someone saw me naked or I got my taint touched.
'Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.'
And you're fine with some stranger touching your taint?
I know that is part of flying and if I didn't want someone to touch my taint I wouldn't fly. So yes I would be okay with it if I booked a flight knowing that the possibility that someone touches my taint can happen. It seems a bit hypocritical to me to complain about something you both know can happen (that you have to except when purchasing an airline ticket) and that you can avoid.
Except flying isn't a freedom.
You sure about that ? They say driving is a privilege I guess piloting is as well being you need a license but I think as a passenger we are free ?

Opinions vary on this subject, and neither of you will change your opinion here, so please take it up elsewhere if you would like to discuss it. This is the MH370 speculation thread.
I've been looking at timelines and it seems odd that none of the updated ones I've seen include the eye witness in the Maldives that saw a jumbo jet flying over their homes is mentioned anymore.
“I've never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We've seen seaplanes, but I'm sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly."”
- A Maldivian 'eyewitness'
Content from External Source
Malaysia did not seek help

Though the last "ping" from the jetliner was received near the Maldives and the US naval base on Diego Garcia, the Malaysian government did not seek help from Maldivian authorities in finding the missing plane, the newspaper said.

Maldivian islanders saw a "low-flying jumbo jet" with white and red stripes across it as on Malaysian Airliners, the report said. The residents heard incredibly loud noise which made them come out of their houses to look for the source of the sound.

The residents said the plane was flying so low that they could even see its doors, and that the jet appeared to be flying from north to south-east, towards the southernmost atoll of Addu.

"I've never seen a jet flying so low over our island before. We've seen seaplanes, but I'm sure that this was not one of those. I could even make out the doors on the plane clearly," said an eyewitness.

"It's not just me either, several other residents have reported seeing the exact same thing. Some people got out of their houses to see what was causing the tremendous noise too."
Content from External Source
I find it interesting that this eye witness evidence has been discarded, and the fact that they admit one of the "pings" came from near the Maldives Islands. Why
Media outlets often quote each other. Have you traced the source of the reported sightings? The debunk article says
I can confirm that the Malaysian Chief of the Defence Force has contacted his counterpart in the Maldives, who has confirmed that these reports are not true,
Content from External Source
Obviously they didn't give details of how they concluded this but you cannot prove a negative either.

I guess you could contact the media outlet of your choice and ask they clarify themselves?
Media outlets often quote each other. Have you traced the source of the reported sightings? The debunk article says
I can confirm that the Malaysian Chief of the Defence Force has contacted his counterpart in the Maldives, who has confirmed that these reports are not true,
Content from External Source
Obviously they didn't give details of how they concluded this but you cannot prove a negative either.

I guess you could contact the media outlet of your choice and ask they clarify themselves?
the part that's odd about this story is it was big news when it came out. It was on every single media outlet, and if it was a hoax, it was well crafted because the time the witnesses said they saw and heard the plane would almost be an exact time it would've flown over the Maldives based on auto pilot speeds.... Thats perplexing
Yet it took what, 10 days for this "news" to get out?
It came out 4 days later, and it is the Maldives (in the middle of nowhere). It was all over the place initially, mostly on tv like CNN, BBC, FOX, and Al Jazeer. I was getting most of the news from the TV initially. But then I saw some video from some CT guy about the plane landing in Diego Garcia which was almost exactly the same mileage as it was to Bejing roughly 2617. So I went back on the net to try and find the story about the Maldives, and I'm had a hard time finding it. Then I went to stories that involved updated timelines, and it was nowhere to be found. Why in the world would someone lie about seeing a jumbo jet fly over head in that corner of the world?
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I thought this was the origin of the story? http://www.haveeru.com.mv/news/54062
You could be correct, but I first heard it on TV, and I doubt the Networks reported it first, so I'm obliged to go with your date. A lot of news came out at that time, from the oil rig worker near Vietnam, to sightings off of indonesia. It was disregarded because the coast guard in the maldives wasn't asked to do a search by the government. The coast guard said they were unaware of this plane. So it was dismissed
http://www.euronews.com/2014/03/17/...xpand-immediately-searches-for-missing-plane/. But then again there's this story about the sighting the day before on the 17th, but in the story it claims that fbi investigators and authorities have already dismissed the story as being untrue. If that's the case the story must've come out a few days prior, if they are now reporting that the original report is untrue after an investigation. If it was found to be untrue from the get go, there wouldn't need to be clarification, it never would've made it into the news to begin with.
It came out 4 days later, and it is the Maldives (in the middle of nowhere). It was all over the place initially, mostly on tv like CNN, BBC, FOX, and Al Jazeer. I was getting most of the news from the TV initially. But then I saw some video from some CT guy about the plane landing in Diego Garcia which was almost exactly the same mileage as it was to Bejing roughly 2617. So I went back on the net to try and find the story about the Maldives, and I'm had a hard time finding it. Then I went to stories that involved updated timelines, and it was nowhere to be found. Why in the world would someone lie about seeing a jumbo jet fly over head in that corner of the world?
Yea I saw that and asked him why ? No answer .
Yea I saw that and asked him why ? No answer .

Is it true that he was practicing how to fly into Diego Garcia on his home simulator? Now I saw a report on FOX news today and CNN that they've determined he dropped to 12000 feet after he went off radar and turned back. I'm starting to get the distinct feeling that the alphabet news companies are trying to make this guy a hero now. I'm exaggerating a bit, but they're speculating that he probably did this to decompress the cabin because there could've possibly been an accident or fire on board the plane and he needed to get the plane low enough so the passengers could breath. They go from terrorist, to suicide pilot, to hero in a matter of days. I just don't understand if its true that he was using his simulator to practice how to land in Diego Garcia, Maldives, and Sir Lanka, why this isn't making the headlines. What's the point of practicing how to land a commercial airliner at a US Air Force Base. Under what circumstances would he ever need to land there.

I saw that video to, and the other one he made. Listen, I can buy the whole "maybe it landed in Diego Garcia", but what doesn't make any sense is how he went on to explain how the US government would then dump the plane in the south indian ocean. He was saying this a week ago on this video. Why steal a plane and then go and dump it in the ocean to make it look like an accident. Whats the sense in that? The US government is capable of getting commercial liners if they want without having to go through the trouble of this.
The transponder control panel is conveniently located on the center pedestal, between each pilot's seat.

Here's a pretty good overall view for orientation:

Transponder is to the right of the center CDU (the thing with the CRT screen and keypad). Above the transponder is the Audio Control panel (mic select, receiver select and volume knobs, etc).

If one guy turned it off (really, to "Standby"), it would turn off the TCAS, but it's not likely to be noticed by the other person immediately...unless they had another airplane obviously in sight, and it wasn't displaying a TCAS symbol.

( I probably should note that the photo is Copyright, owned by Sam Chui - a very interesting travel writer, and great photographer BTW - and is hosted at airliners.net. Page link: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Emir...91926/L/&sid=450e81f6b88de15699395f124c454051 )

after seeing this it left me wondering how a simple split cup of coffee could fizz out both radio comms and transponder panels then work its way though other flight controls seizing them into place
after seeing this it left me wondering how a simple split cup of coffee could fizz out both radio comms and transponder panels then work its way though other flight controls seizing them into place

Well actually, have you ever read the book, or seen the movie both titled "Fate Is The Hunter"? From the 1960s I believe (yes, film in 1964, book from 1961):

But no, a bit of spilled coffee into the center pedestal area isn't that big of a deal in modern jets.
I wouldn't put much stock into those claims. We all know how ridiculous YouTube can be with these videos that shout "Proof!" in their titles.
No I don't, thats why I said he doesn't make any sense about the gov stealing the plane and then dumping it in the SIO. But just to check out his claims is when I tried researching the bit about the Maldives today because its pretty close to one another.
after seeing this it left me wondering how a simple split cup of coffee could fizz out both radio comms and transponder panels then work its way though other flight controls seizing them into place
Honestly, it takes a pilot like what a decade + to get into the cockpit, I could never imagine a pilot ever spilling coffee or any other drink on that console. I know they drink beverages in the cockpit, but I would venture to guess that they are very careful with the multi million dollar hardware, and they probably put a lid on their cups...
Well actually, have you ever read the book, or seen the movie both titled "Fate Is The Hunter"? From the 1960s I believe (yes, film in 1964, book from 1961):

But no, a bit of spilled coffee into the center pedestal area isn't that big of a deal in modern jets.

Ta Weedy :)good to know, now i'm back home after flying over Tasman sea NZ to OZ late last nite, all aboard were thinking of but not one would mention MH370 oh thanks Jet star nice flight. Just 2 day before MH 370 went missing dear wife and daughter no1 booked trip with MH to Cambodia gee i hope you buzz boys figure out wots up soon.

I'm still sticking with my cockpit & crew disaster bang or fizz cabin decomp and hopefully all suffered low O2 peacefully till later thump this supported by no phone contact as it flew back over Malaya
I wouldn't put much stock into those claims. We all know how ridiculous YouTube can be with these videos that shout "Proof!" in their titles.
I agree but I didnt see no YouTube videos blaming Blackholes as with CNN s speculation . Dont worry there will be plenty of conspiracies about this flight for a long time . Most started on Main stream media left and right too . Its just hard to understand why he wouldnt just crash the plane in the first place ? Or why the passengers didnt respond after flying over water for so many hours ? Im sure if it were at night it would be pitch black over the ocean ?
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